10 Facts About Mommy Empowerment That Will Instantly Put You in a Good Mood 

As a mom of seven that suffered from anxiety and depression for way too long (no not because of the 7 kiddos, even though that would make sense :), I can tell you that anyone who has a defiant fighter soul and great love for their little ones can be energetically alive and fiercely free from depression and anxiety.  You just have to pick up the big girl panties and decide.  However, you need to know the fundamentals and 10 facts of mommy empowerment that will instantly put you in a good mood if you want your first experience to be successful.

What Is Mommy Empowerment?

Let’s discuss what mommy empowerment means.  According to the Oxford Dictionary, empowerment is defined as “the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one’s life and claiming one’s rights”.  Can you remember the last time you were passionate about anything?  I did, I do, and I will always.  How did it feel?  Could anyone stop you?  Did you trust yourself?  The connection between passion and hope is so deep that they should be as related as twins.

There have been three passions that have governed my life; love, family, and feminine spirituality.  These passions have led me across a great ocean of anguish and despair.  They have also shown me how resilient I am.  Of course, just as a rainbow is accompanied by rain and storms so is the beauty of my passions.  Do you know what your passions are?

Naturally I sought out love first because what is life without genuine love?  I cannot even begin to tell you the sacrifices that have been made for love.  One would dare to say that could be where the loss of control over my life began.  Oh, but the pleasure that comes from loving and being loved is incomparable.

Family came next and with passionate love it was easily achieved.  It’s amazing to be able to create and give life.  More amazing is the responsibility that a mother then has.  Love and family are two very powerful and overwhelming words.

Lastly, feminine spirituality became my next sought after passion.  Why?  Love and family are beautiful.  However, there always was something missing from my life.  I am certain that many moms will disagree that connection would be the one thing missing in my life.  But it was.  The connection between my defiant, fighter soul and the divine feminine spirit is what led me to a life energetically alive and fiercely free.  The definition of living a life of empowerment.

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood

The 10 Fundamentals About Mommy Empowerment

Now, these three passions are what led me to a life of empowerment.  As time passed, there were additional passions.  For you however, they may be different passions.  There are a few fundamentals that you must familiarize yourself with.

  1. Embrace life’s challenges rather than resisting them.  
  2. Take time to gain clarity in who you are right now.
  3. Don’t relate to the labels because you are so much more than that.
  4. Recognize the fact that you are a mom and there’s very little that you cannot do.
  5. How could you do something that you do not know how to do?  It’s not your fault.
  6. When you feel exhausted, overwhelmed, and trapped it’s time to take a break.
  7. Boundaries, boundaries, and more boundaries – for a limited time only.
  8. You don’t have to agree, just keep an open mind.
  9. You decide who and what has control over your power.
  10. There’s no one more important than you babe!

Until you address the 10 facts above you will keep blocking the divine feminine spirit to connect with you because you’re not connecting with your soul.  I know that some of you may need more clarity on what each one means.  The great news is I totally intend to explain them in detail in the upcoming blogs.  For now, take some time to simply reflect on what each one of the facts above mean to you.

If you want to become stronger and more confident and take control of your birthright to love and be loved then you’re gonna wanna keep reading.

Don’t You Believe It

Can you imagine a life where you are in full alignment with your passions?  Has there been a time in your life that you did search for each of your passions?  Did it work out or not work out?  Is that perhaps where you became stuck?  Maybe even gave up on your passion and thought it just isn’t in the cards for you?

That is a lie!  A bold face lie that your mind made you believe with the intent to protect you.  I am here to tell you that it is not a fact!  Your passion is your passion for a reason.  You simply have to discover the way to make it work for you.

I can only imagine what’s going through your mind because anxiety and depression are tag teaming you right now.  “Oh no, you don’t understand.  I can’t.  My situation is different.”  And I challenge you with this question my friend.  “What if you could?”  

What if you could take the 10 fundamentals above and put them to work for you?  Imagine your life being lived energetically alive and fiercely free from anxiety and depression.  What does that look like, feel like for you?

Still not convinced?  Okay let’s get into the 10 facts of mommy empowerment that will instantly put you in a good mood.

Photo by cottonbro

The 10 Facts About Mommy Empowerment

We all need a little more good mood days, don’t we!  I love good mood days.  Please always be aware that moods are based on your emotions.  And who controls your emotions?  Your reactions?  External factors only can take the control, the power, you allow them to.  So ask yourself those questions again and answer them without judgment.

So let’s talk about those 10 facts about mommy empowerment.  What do you say?  

When you live a life of mommy empowerment what does that give you?

  1. The ability to handle the challenges and battles of life with grace.  Lose the rollercoaster ride.
  2. An awakening to the beautiful, bold and brilliant woman you are that strengthens you to be the best mom.  
  3. No more doubting that you are providing your kiddos with the tools they will need to be successful adults.  You will rest assured that you are passing on resiliency to your future generations.
  4. Your smiles are genuine and you have a deep fondness for others even for those relationships you once thought to be broken.
  5. You are creating your future and living life achieving your goals.  No longer living from one moment to the next.
  6. Each time you defy the odds against you, you gain the confidence that you may not control everything in life but you are in control of your reactions.  This allows for smooth transitions.
  7. The bond between you and your kiddos is impenetrable and they are proud of all that you overcome.
  8. People gravitate towards you because you’re energetically alive and excited for what the day will bring.
  9. You choose your battles wisely and allow for your divine feminine spirit to guide you.  Your trust makes you fierce and allows you to overcome.  Being trapped or stuck is so not your style anymore.
  10. The connection with your defiant fighter soul and the divine feminine spirit has introduced you to the society of being a Wonderfully Optimistic Warrior Mom and there’s no turning back now!

If you can imagine a life, if you desire a life as listed above then mommy empowerment may be just the thing for you!  Let’s put these 10 facts about mommy empowerment to use and allow it to instantly put you in a good mood!  Of course, over and over again!

The 10 Fundamentals and The 10 Facts

I chased after my passions in life and they led me to many hurts.  Hurting in life is inevitable.  The question is whether the hurt is worth the outcome.  For so long I did not understand this and I allowed my mind to try to protect me from it.  I disconnected from the world, myself, and love.  This almost killed me.

Life as a mom is so busy that you just keep moving.  Movement however does not mean forward progress and when there is no forward progress we die.  When I realized I need my passion back in my life my journey to empowerment began.  I have listed the top 10 fundamentals I have learned that you need to be aware of as you begin your journey.

Most importantly there are several questions you must ask yourself so that you may appreciate the journey and allow your mind, body and soul to awaken.  Perhaps the most critical part of this blog is to put all the bs excuses aside and allow yourself to be put in a good mood by embracing what your life can be like with mommy empowerment.  Embrace the 10 facts about mommy empowerment that will instantly put you in a good mood.

This is for you so that you can claim your birthright to love and be loved.  It all starts with you!!

Photo by Andre Furtado

What’s Next?

Are you ready to begin your journey to mommy empowerment?  Did these 10 facts about mommy empowerment help?  I’d love to hear from you! You can leave a comment below if you have any questions or if this has helped you at all!

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