The Secrets of How You Can Find Beauty in Your Storm

Has life been going so great for you and still you have this ache in the pit of your stomach?  You’re not sure why it’s there, but you just know something’s about to happen.  Sure enough, the storm hits.  In this post I will tell you the secrets of how to find beauty in your storm.

The Pre-Storm Jitters

If your life is anything like mine, you know what the pre-storm jitters feel like.  Everything is going well and somehow you still can’t entirely enjoy the moment.  There’s a million questions and assumptions going through your mind of what is about to come because you know it’s coming.

You’re not sure what to expect but you know something is about to happen.  After all, it’s your life, everything good is for a limited time only.  All you pray is that when the storm comes you can handle it and get through it.

Most times, the pre-storm jitters are as bad or worse as the storm you are about to face.  And you tell yourself over and over that it’s okay for you to experience this.  Why?  If you assume the worst and get better then you’ll be okay.  

Stop telling yourself lies about the prestorm jitters.  The prestorm jitters are there for an entirely different purpose.  You can find beauty in your storm by using the prestorm jitters to help you find the reason for your storm.

Photo by Johannes Plenio

The Storm

As sure as you predicted it.  The storm approaches and it hits you hard.  With every crashing wave, you wonder how long will the storm last this time?  You look up to the sky looking for a sign that the storm will soon be over.  The upcoming wave is huge and you know that the damage it will cause is going to be devastating.

Why does this always happen?  How can you avoid these storms and simply enjoy the good times?  What is it that you keep doing wrong to have to go through these terrible storms?  When will the time come that life just gives you a break?  Is there anywhere you can run to and get away from the chaos?

The storm can be tough.  It can break down everything in its path.  Destruction can surely follow.  However, you can find beauty in your storm.  You can find peace in the calm that follows.

The Aftermath

Your storm has ended.  Shockingly, you have survived it like so many other times.  You reflect on how this damage is the same as the prior times or worst.  Exhaustion settles in and you have no motivation to do anything.

Nothing will ever change.  It will continuously be one storm after another.  To be quite honest, you’re not sure how much of this you want to take.  How much can one person handle?  All for what?

The truth is that you are missing the entire point of the storm.  The aftermath of your storm is a time to reflect on the beauty of your storm.  It is not a time to reflect on the negative.

Hope, peace, and calm can be found in your storm.  Growth and expansion are yours to claim.  It is right before you.  You’ve never been shown how to find it.  I hadn’t either.  Now I will tell you how to find beauty in your storm.

Photo by Pixabay

The Secrets 

The secrets can be found in your past, your present, and your future.  That is why you experience the pre jitters, you know what to expect, and you make assumptions about the future.  I would like to ask you if you wouldn’t mind trying it a different way.

Secret #1:  The storm is not happening to you.  It is happening for you.  

Instead of fearing and fighting the storm, prepare and embrace it.  We spend so much time fighting the wrong battles.  It’s time for a change.

The pre jitters are to help you prepare for the storm.  It is your intuition letting you know that you must reinforce yourself.  The universe works on balance.  It helps us appreciate the beauty of life, it is natural.  And can be found in all of nature.

How do you reinforce yourself?  What makes you feel good?  Energize your life.  I personally love essential oils, music, journaling, praying, and getting hugs from my kiddos.  You do you.  Try different things until you find the combo that works for you.

Secret #2:  Sometimes it rains, sometimes it pours, and sometimes it storms.  Sometimes there’s a hurricane; disaster.

Your intuition warns you that something is coming.  What is coming?  You never know.  It all depends on what is needed at the time for you in your life. 

Sometimes you need a little rain to help grow.  At times it may pour because a sudden surge of growth needs to happen.  Or at times it may storm to clear out the junk and allow fresh waters to come in.  And unbelievably, even the hurricane or disaster is for us.  How?

The disaster comes to destroy everything that we created.  Why is that to help us?  Because sometimes we think we know what we need.  Many times we really don’t have a clue.  So we created what we felt we needed and we are stubborn.  The hurricane gives us the opportunity to rebuild on a solid foundation and have a fresh start.

Secret #3:  You choose what you see.  

Simple and easy is what everyone is looking for.  That is why I am grateful for all of you.  There is a beauty and uniqueness in each of you to realize that everything in life is rarely simple and easy.  That is the exact reason why choosing what you see after the storm is crucial.  

If you choose the easy and simple view, yes chaos and disaster is what you see.  Choosing to take a deeper look will provide you with the beauty you seek.  Simply taking a moment to appreciate and absorb it all will allow you to adapt and evolve.

What can you or did you get out of your storm?  Many of my storms have taught me that I need to take a moment in the dark.  I need to re-energize so the world can see my brilliance.  It also has taught me that I am stronger and worth others’ respect for my ability to overcome.

Secret #4:  You should never desire for the storms to end

You should never desire for the storms to end because that means the end of growth.  It is natural for us to grow and make progress in life.  Does it not make sense that when we fear the good that our soul and spirit feel it?  Depression and resistance to growth go hand in hand.

When you fear growth so much that it panics you, it’s usually because you don’t know how to find the beauty in the storm.  If the storm is for your growth, how does that make you feel?  Uncertainty is not the same as fear.

Uncertainty is normal.  There is very little we have control of in this life.  That awareness is brilliant.  However, you have the power of choice.  So, would you tell your child to fear or embrace growth?  Just think of how many bumps and bruises your little one experienced while learning how to walk.

You should never want the storms to end because the storm is there for you to learn, grow, expand, and evolve.  It is there to show you peace, calm and give you hope for tomorrow.  The storm is your opportunity to see life differently.

Photo by Asad Photo Maldives

The Secrets Aren’t Really Secrets

The truth is none of these are really secrets.  They just become hidden from us when we are approaching our storms.  Depression and anxiety blind us from our true powers and abilities.  Now you will always have this to refer back to.

Remember, pre-jitters are not designed for us to assume the worst or create fear.  It is our intuition telling us to prepare to embrace what is coming.  You can use your past experience to prepare you.  Don’t resist the storm, instead embrace it and learn from it.

There are different types of storms we will face.  Each with their very own lesson.  Sometimes our way is not the best way.  The spirit may be trying to get a message to your soul.  Allow them to connect and avoid the hurricanes when possible.

No matter what storm you faced.  It’s not meant to destroy you.  Choose what you see.  Appreciate the moment.  Use the calm, find your peace, and use hope to learn, grow, expand and evolve.  

I’m Curious

How will you prep for your storm?  I would love to know.  Learning new ways is great.  I would love it if you could share what makes you feel good or preps you for what may be coming next.  Please share in the comments below.

You can also share if this helped or if you have any questions.  Also share if you care.  If this post can help anyone you are associated with please feel free to share it.  Thanks for your time today.  I appreciate you!

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