10 No Fuss Ways to Create Your Empowered Day For Mommies
My family was doomed to having a life full of tiptoeing around me and walking on eggshells until they could figure out if mommy was having a “good” day. That was until I stepped in and said no one would live like that because of me (even though I do appreciate my quiet time still). Now my family is excited to be around me because I am energetically alive and fiercely free from depression and anxiety. So, I’m sharing my 10 no fuss ways to create your empowered day for mommies.
The Truth About Good Days
The truth about good days are far and few when you suffer from depression and anxiety. It’s very difficult to have good days or see good things throughout the day when life feels so hopeless. Even when you force the smile or force yourself to complete activities, the energy you release is dreadful.
At times, you may even be feeling okay only to hear “what’s wrong with you?” It is a very odd thing. You even realize you don’t like to be around yourself so why should anyone else? This is the challenge you must overcome mommy.
And if I may. Please don’t be upset. But can we leave all the damn labels behind because personally depression and anxiety are words to describe an emotional state. To me, you are so much more than that! If I thought you any less, I would not be sharing my 10 no fuss ways to create your empowered day for mommies.
You see, I believe you are looking for more than “good days”. Good days are momentary, precious but momentary. What you need is, I believe, what I needed. Something more. I needed to create my empowered days to overcome guilt, regret, fear, exhaustion, doubt and overwhelm. Something that would last a lifetime.
Empowered Days
When you are living a life where everyday is full of guilt, regret, fear, exhaustion, doubt and overwhelm it is torture. It is not one moment or one thing that has created this. So, a happy moment is not enough to overcome this. Empowered days however are a different story.
You own the pen to write a twist to your story mommy. It will take planning, preparation, and patience – ummm…lots of patience. But you can do it. You can live a life full of energy, love, peace, and connection. Your days can be empowered by you every day one baby step at a time. Trust me when I tell you that empowered days are what you need.
So how the heck do you start having these empowered days right? Bet you’re thinking it’s already going to be super hard! I know I did and quite honestly it was at first. But it was also exciting to be able to take a deep breath without all the internal chaos. Moms like us are not afraid to do the work. It just has to be worth it.
The Vision
Is it worth a little extra push when you feel like doing nothing? Hushing up those little voices in your head that tell you it will never work. Are you willing to see how strong you really are even when it seems impossible? What would it mean to you to embrace your kids and know that you are giving them EVERYTHING you never even knew you had within you?
Your life hasn’t been nor is it easy. Truth be told, I believe you don’t want it to be. My person finds easy boring. The defiant soul within each of us that fights through the toughest battles still needs a good fight every now and again. Your soul is just tired of the defeat and doing it alone.
So, it’s time to get up and dust yourself off and see the possibilities. It’s time to be reassured that it’s okay to hope again. For you first, then for your kiddos!! It’s time to establish the connections and light you up from within, at your core – your energy source.
The 10 No Fuss Ways
I can go on and on with all of the beauties I have discovered during my journey. However, you’re a mom with a busy schedule so let’s get to it. What do you say?
- The more you believe in something the stronger it is. Believe that you can find your better way and you will. Write it on a sticky note and place it somewhere you will see it as soon as you get up such as a bathroom mirror or next to/above your bed or the fridge.
- Focus and appreciate the who and where you are at right now. Where you are right now is not your destination, but instead part of your journey.
- Calm your mind by counting. Count 1 and picture something you truly desire. Breathe and count 2 and name something/someone you already have that is wonderful. Breathe count 3 and picture the you that you loved and admired. Breathe count 4 and name something/someone in your life that helps or helped you be the best you. If there is no one to name – then you are all you need. Breathe count 5 and think of nothing-just breathe.
- Always know that forward action, even the smallest of actions will overcome fear. You do not know what you are capable of until you try. Remember your little one and all the bumps and bruises they sustained trying to walk and they never quit. Let that be your inspiration.
- When life gets overwhelming do some reflective journaling. Now reflective journaling is not writing in your diary. Its purpose is so that you can go back and assess what your triggers are and if the extreme of what you felt can be validated. Venting without judgment.
- Getting out of bed may be overwhelming or even getting home after an exhausting day may seem like too much. However, tell me what you’re surrounded by and it likely will reflect your energy. If you want an increase of energy then improve your surroundings.
- Raise your vibe and increase your energy flow. Prep the night before with all of your favs. I am a music lover and a smelly good person. So my first morning go tos are some good tunes and my essential oils diffuser. Not to brag but peppermint, lavender, orange – motivation cheerleaders.
- Remind yourself of your birthright to love and be loved. How can anyone love you if you don’t love yourself? Know yourself and claim your authority to live a vibrant, fulfilled life!
- Dare yourself to do ONE new thing today. Start off with something simple. Maybe schedule your day beforehand or open your blinds or buy a motivating decor for your room.
- Set boundaries with those who suck your energy unintentionally. Moms have the natural instinct to protect others. However, if you’re already in over your head – trying to help another person while they are drowning will likely cause them to dunk you under to save themselves. So set your boundaries and use your energy wisely. You will be amazed how at first you feel ugh but later you feel so much more in control!! Remember, the boundary is for a limited time only. When you’re good then you can reevaluate.
Focus on these 10 steps and see how your days begin to change. I know these are very brief and not much detail. It’s been done on purpose. Your journey will be different from mine although our destination may be the same. Be creative, feel free to adjust. I welcome it!
The Destination
You have learned my 10 no fuss ways to create your empowered day for mommies. Feel free to try them out and although all may not work at first I am sure you will find that they will come into play somewhere along your journey to empowerment. Use this not because you feel like you can or can’t, use this because life is meant to be lived and enjoyed. Do these things on the list not for your kiddos but for you.
Until you are whole, until you are connected to yourself completely – your family will have a disconnect. The ability for your family to reach its full potential lies in your hands. It’s time to reach your full potential and have a beautiful, brilliant, and bold energy that flows into the lives of everyone around you.
No more of everyone tiptoeing or walking on eggshells around you. There will be no more looking or waiting for a “good” day. It’s time to create your empowered days starting with these 10 no fuss ways. You have beauty, brilliance, and boldness to share with your fam and the world. The time is now – no excuses welcomed here babe.
Check It Out!
I am so excited to be able to offer you my FREE e-book guide 10 Essential Steps to an Empowered Day for Mommies!! You will also stay in the “in” with the latest tips to live a life being energetically alive and fiercely free from depression and anxiety. Looking forward to seeing you!