cheerful young woman screaming into megaphone

Depression and anxiety ravaged moms all over the world.  It disabled many and made them feel trapped, hopeless, and overwhelmed with mom guilt.  The darkness and desperation seemed to bleed into the lives of their youngsters.  Extreme urgency to do more than relieve the symptoms of this deadly duo was long overdue.  After these four phases were revealed to the world, a massive mommy empowerment movement was created.  In this post, we’ll explain what has reportedly happened sharing the breaking news of how moms worldwide are empowering their Wonderfully Optimistic Warrior Mom from within.  The response from all is W.O.W.!

woman standing near old stone wall with carved images
Photo by Rachel Claire on

What Happened

50 million Americans.

Is that a lot of people?  Can you imagine trying to house or cater a party for 50 million people?  That would be a massive amount to take care of, would you agree?  That is the amount of Americans alone that have experienced, are experiencing, some form of mental illness.  And 12.1 million of these people have experienced suicidal thoughts.  

Those numbers are astounding enough to make anyone’s heartbreak.  As a mother, the next statistics are even more shocking.  There are 2.7 million children between the ages of 12-17 that are affected by mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety according to The State of Mental Health in America.

Take a deep breath in.  These are numbers only relevant to those with health insurance and those that are reported.  Reminder, these are statistics from the United States only.  The time had come to resolve this issue.  Several questions came to the mind of one coach and a burning desire to change the statistics.

Depression has been reported since B.C.  Some believed that it was a spiritual attack.  Others believed it was a mental illness.  Many went through extremes and were cast out because of it.  Now it is treated with antidepressants.  Anxiety has a different history.  It was originally labeled as hysteria.  But in the 1950s, it was discovered that antidepressants could help with the symptoms of anxiety.  That is what earned it the classification as a mental illness.  However, are anxiety and depression existent in the mind only?

What’s Happening Next

A bold mommy empowerment coach has asked this question and others.  She also battled the deadly duo for many years.  After endless bouts of depression and anxiety and a couple of suicide attempts, she was determined to not only treat the symptoms of depression and anxiety but to overcome them.  Also, in her theory, if she could help moms all over the world live a life energetically alive and fiercely free from depression and anxiety, would the statistics decrease finally?  Could depression and anxiety exist on many levels of who we are as individuals and would a holistic approach work?

a woman in white blazer holding white paperboard with a text same as you
Photo by cottonbro studio on

What This Means For You

If these theories were proven to be correct, what would this mean for you?  What would this mean for the world?  This would mean healthier families.  It would mean stronger foundations and women being empowered to be uniquely and genuinely themselves.  How about their spouses?  Would they also grow? 

Emotions are energy.  Energy is contagious even more so than COVID-19.  Therefore, if getting to the root of depression and anxiety could transform energy from negative, low-energy to positive, high-energy then every chance had to be taken to find a way to do that.

This new four-phase process leads moms to empower their W.O.W. from within.  As she stated, “Every one of us was created with superhuman powers.  Everything we need is within us and when we feel burned out and like we are running on fumes; that’s when we need to rely on a strong community of high-energy with the same goal peeps to give us a jump start.  If we know how to effectively do this…there’s no option but for the world to change.  It’s time for the spread of all the negative junk to end and for the positive treasures to be shared.”

A snapshot of her personal life transformation.  She went from being a teen mom in an abusive relationship, overweight and sick and struggling to survive every day from depression and anxiety and barely making out to healing broken relationships, strong family, owning her own company, and being grateful every morning to feeling the sun on her skin being energetically alive and fiercely free from depression and anxiety.  This can be you too!

women at the meeting
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What You Can Do Now

The next steps that you can take that are willing to be shared by this mommy empowerment coach are as follows.

Embrace who you are as a person.  It does sound so simple however many times you lose who you are with all the noise and chaos of the world.  Busy mom schedules don’t help either.  You see, we live in a world that is constantly demanding of moms.  And throughout our journey in this life, we always look at what else we need to do not appreciating all that we have already accomplished.  Take a moment to appreciate your growth and development and acknowledge all the challenges you have overcome already.  Discover who you are now and how beautiful that person is.

Once you have taken the path to self-discovery, not what society expects of you.  When you have forgiven all mistakes and squeezed out all of the lessons you have learned.  Then, and only then, can you emerge into the world being authentically you.  There is only one of you and you are brilliant so be bold.  Smile and let the world see you.

The next phase is one that will take time to develop.  It is the sole purpose of life’s battles and challenges.  Those moments will come that will try you and even feel like they are going to break you.  However, if you can create an effective battle plan to shift how you approach these situations, you will not only overcome but will be victorious.  That is definitely a clear indicator of your mommy courage and confidence builder.  

As your capacity to handle life’s challenges and battles expand you will begin to evolve.  The understanding of the most important connection to the highest level of energy will be clarified.  The next level you will present itself and living a life being energetically alive is the only life you will begin to relate to.  Surrounded by a community of strong-willed and high-energy moms that can relate will provide those pick-me-ups when needed.  You will never be alone again.  Your attraction will be contagious.

You will have empowered the Wonderfully Optimistic Warrior Mom from within and everyone around you will simply say, “W.O.W.” and as awesome as that is.  The most important of all of this is that you will have W.O.W. surging throughout every fiber of your being.   

surprised woman standing under glowing garland with bulbs
Photo by Tim Douglas on


Mom, no one has to tell you how important you are and the critical role you play in your youngsters’ lives.  The seriousness of depression and anxiety is no stranger to you.  However, what you may not know is that there is a way to do more than manage your symptoms.  There is a way to overcome depression and anxiety.  You can be you at your next level.  Will it be a process, yes.  Easy?  What really is?  The real question is…will it be worth it?  You are the only one that can answer that.

Me, I say make them say W.O.W.  I say it’s time for you to feel and know W.O.W.

Take a chance and begin with the first parts of the above four phases.  And if you want more in-depth steps for the four phases, please reach out.  The time is now!

Don’t Miss Out

If you would like to stay up-to-date with the newest trends in the W.O.W. Moms Society and The Mommy Empowerment project please subscribe to the blog.  Be energetically alive and fiercely free from depression and anxiety.  Let’s spread this mommy empowerment movement and let it be massively worldwide.

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