Living with Purpose: Overcoming Anxiety and Depression Through Intentional Action
Every mom loves being a mom. That is until being a mom is all you’re doing. Um, yes, uh-huh, I wrote it. Somewhere along the line, mommyhood becomes a life of “just doing” something all the time for everyone else. And you seem to stop having any other purpose. Anxiety and depression begin to creep in your heart in the form of guilt, overwhelm, and exhaustion. Slowly infecting your mind. Suddenly, your love of being a mom becomes an unbearable duty. No judgment, I’ve been there and that’s why I am sharing how to live with purpose: overcoming anxiety and depression through intentional action.
What is Purpose and Intentional Action
So, let’s talk about purpose and intentional action. According to the Oxford dictionary, purpose is the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. As I read this definition I quickly realize why moms easily lose sight of their individuality. Why? Because when we become moms our sole life’s purpose becomes our kiddos.
Could that be why our entire daily schedule revolves around our kiddos? Our only concern in every action we take is how it will benefit them. Sooner than later, the routines and requirements to meet their needs and wants become an overwhelming obligation for us. No matter how restricted we feel, we convince ourselves of one thing. We live for our kiddos. STOP. It is a LIE.
This is a warning. You are entering a dangerous zone. One that can welcome you to experiencing anxiety and depression. You are a mom, yes. Yes, you have responsibilities as a mom. You have an additional purpose in life which is nurturing a tiny human being to become a mature, healthy young adult. However, it is not your sole purpose and you do not live for your kiddos. You live for you. Your kiddos need you.
When you can accept that you can begin to embrace how to live with purpose and start overcoming anxiety and depression with intentional action.
How to Live with Purpose
Every person has been placed in this world with purpose. Yes, I am of Christian belief. We are each uniquely created and usually have this burning desire within us to do something creative. It is something that comes to us naturally and easily. It lights us up from within. Many will tell us that it’s hard for them and we are astonished because for us it is second nature to breathing.
At times, what can happen is that we become conditioned to believe that the thing we are passionate about is unrealistic. The belief can be created by others or even ourselves. This can be because of money, time, age, or any circumstance put in front of us. So, we begin to allow that passion to fade away. Before you know it, you even forget what that thing was or how to do it and if you try to start it again years later – it’s not the same. Kind of like being in love the first time.
Here’s the thing. Your purpose was like a spark that was quick to light because there wasn’t anything stopping it. As an adult, your mind is cluttered with tons of beautiful flowers and likely just as many weeds. It is going to take work to get rid of the weeds so the beautiful flowers can grow. The great news is that it’s still there. You only need to take action to clear the weeds. Not any action will do. It has to be an intentional action.
I love simplicity. So, let’s keep it simple. Only one intentional action is allowed at a time. You have enough busy actions to do. Let’s make this one count.
Tip #1: Self-Reflection Time
Take some time for yourself daily. I know this is a challenge and you’re likely already setting a blocker for why you can’t do this. Breathe. Count to 5. Keep an open mind. You can be realistic. It may only be 5 minutes a day that you can do this. I’m a 2 for mom so I usually do my reflection time in the shower. Some days, I need to go for a walk or get the mail and I do some self-reflection then. Was it talking to a friend about relationship issues and you helped tremendously? Could it be when you were sitting writing a poem or drawing a beautiful picture? Perhaps it was every time you danced it gave you new life? Or an assignment you aced in school or something you created that was complimented well.
This is a time where you can take a walk down memory lane. During a time of pure joy and innocence. Focus on that one thing that made you smile, that you did that lit you up from within, even when life was challenging. Whatever it was, focus on what you felt, how it made you feel, and what you loved the most about it. Embrace it.
Sometimes it doesn’t come so easily. Don’t judge if it doesn’t come to you in the first few moments of self-reflection. Be kind and have grace. Repeat this daily until you can reach that place.
Tip #2: Clear The Way
When you have found that place, that one thing that was wonderful. Now you can emerge with a plan to make that possible again. Now, I know that those weeds are starting to show and there are so many things flooding in to stop this beautiful energy that is flowing.
Remember, deep slow breath in. And exhale. Count to 5. Keep an open mind.
Those weeds that are showing are okay. Acknowledge them. It’s time to clear the way. Don’t be in a rush to yank them out. What if you take time to dig in deep and find the root? You can pull it out from the root and never worry about it growing back. That is an intentional action.
Clear the way for the beautiful flowers to be seen and grow. Your purpose, you and all you consist of are full of life. Take the time to get rid of those things that do not serve you. Anything that stops the beautiful energy from flowing, must be set on a boundary or eliminated. Take the time to self-reflect and know which one should apply.
Tip #3: Weather The Storm of Emotions
Check it out. No matter what you do for the first time or if it’s been a while, those nerves are going to kick in. Think of it like crossing over into another world. You see an opportunity and you are ready to grasp onto it, you have opened the door but you can’t see what’s on the other side. The unknown creates the storm of emotions that you do everything from taking medications, to seeing doctors and therapists, to nothing at all to avoid.
I’m sure you don’t like this feeling. Please, please. Take a moment. Deep, slow breath in. Exhale. Count to seven. Keep an open mind.
Growth is a challenge. It is not meant to be easy. You must expand your capacity. That is where you will see progress. Progress creates confidence and raises your self-esteem. You are a mom. The physical change, mental change, the pain of labor and the challenge of nurturing a human being are the biggest challenges anyone will face. You are doing it! You can do this.
What’s on the other side of that door is opportunity. You can live a life of purpose and overcome anxiety and depression with intentional action by choosing to continue through the door. You know that lights you up from within, you have taken those weeds by their roots and pulled them out. Now, you weather the storm of emotions. It’s time to take advantage of the opportunity to fulfill your purpose.
Tip #4: Set A Goal
If you have made it to this step, let me be the first to say, “W.O.W.”! You see, for me W.O.W. has a magnificent meaning. W.O.W. for someone who struggled with anxiety and depression for years and now lives a life energetically alive and fiercely free to be the best me it means Wonderfully Optimistic Warrior. You have made it there! That’s no easy task so give yourself a huge hug.
Here’s the next step. Set one goal to achieve your purpose. Make sure to get clear on the intention behind the purpose. Remember your intention must have heart and light you up from within. It must provide brilliant light to allow your garden to bloom and continue to grow. Your purpose keeps water flowing through your garden. Heart and soul is the nutrition for your garden and the energy, your spirit, is what keeps it all aligned.
Set a goal with connection to all of it. When you are connected to your goal, make it your daily mission to take one intentional action to achieve your purpose. This is how living with purpose overcomes anxiety and depression with intentional action.
Tip #5: Prep for the Challenges and Battles
Living with purpose and overcoming anxiety and depression with intentional action is likely one of the biggest accomplishments of your life. It is what you need to be a great mom to your kiddos and be what they need. It benefits you and everyone around you. That resilient energy will radiate into everyone’s life. Everyone will say W.O.W.
Remember, if the intention is for us to grow. We must expect challenges and battles to come. This is why we must create a stable emotional foundation. A happy place if you will. This is a safe haven of activities that can keep your mind busy and creative instead of shutting down. This is not a place to live. It is a temporary shelter so you can recuperate and get back on track.
Tough moments will come when you are evolving into your purpose and next level self. As you transition from struggling to survive anxiety and depression to a connected and grounded Wonderfully Optimistic Warrior achieving her goals there is massive growth. The beauty and brilliance will require you to be bold. I know you can do this. You will know you can do this. Set those reminders for yourself. Prep for the challenges and battles and get ready to overcome them. This is how to live with purpose and start overcoming anxiety and depression with intentional action.
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How to live with purpose and start overcoming anxiety and depression with intentional action takes dedication and grace. Like all things, it takes work but it also provides a priceless result. What is there in this world that you would not give or do to live a life energetically alive and fiercely free from overwhelm, guilt,and exhaustion? What type of mom will this allow you to be? The time is now. No more waiting or delaying overcoming. End the fierce struggle to survive anxiety and depression today.
What’s Next
I have a new podcast that will be released soon. And even more exciting, I invite you to join me on Facebook. The decision to begin sharing tips live and maybe even in a private community have been in my heart for some time now so…the time is coming soon where we get to say “hey” in person. If you want the info, just leave a comment. I will get that to ya.
Thanks for your time and ‘til next time.