Why You Should Spend Less Time Focusing on Your Physical Existence

woman checking her body

In a world that focuses on having the sexiest body, beautiful hair, brilliantly white teeth, long and thick eyelashes, perfectly shaped eyebrows, and clear skin there is a society suffering from deep level pain.  Anxiety and depression is winning the war because we are focusing on the wrong level of our existence.  The fact is that this trend has been designed to distract you from focusing on what’s really important.  Your core existence is where your genuine beauty exists.  You will soon have a clear understanding of why you should spend less time focusing on your physical existence, especially as a mom.

What is Your Physical Existence?

Simple right?  Your physical existence is your body.  True.  And this is a very important level of your existence.  True.  Without this level of existence, well – we are dead.  This article is not to downplay how important our physical existence is at all.  What it may do however is downplay the importance of physical appearance.  Why?  Well, um, because we are all unique and that’s what makes us beautiful.  

Why are we all trying to fit into ONE category of beauty?  We are all trying to have the same body – curvy with big butts and big chests and flat bellies.  Let’s make sure we have a golden tan and our hair is shiny and healthy and there’s no flyaways.  When was the last time you looked at your pics and said, “nope-gotta get these teeth whitened because that other girl on TikTok has shiny, white teeth”.  It’s no wonder why there are billions of filters.

You take a pic with the filter and what happens?  OMG, any picture without a filter is just UGLY.  What?  Really?  It’s still you.  Reality check…you’re still the same person.  Without the filters, the makeup, the surgeries or enhancements or girdles, or when you wake up in the morning – it’s still you!

It is also our status in this world. The new cars, fancy job title, big house, perfect life. That is our physical existence. The one that others see.

Why is Spending Less Time Focusing on Your Physical Existence Important?

Confidence does not come from your physical existence, babe.  So sorry!  Focusing on your physical existence makes you “feel good” just for a moment.  Your confidence must be built from a deeper level of your existence.  It must be built from the foundation of who you are.  Because life happens and we each get older and things happen.  If you are basing your confidence on your physical existence, notice how your anxiety and depression still exists.  At times it can even get worse.  How?  Let’s talk about why spending less time focusing on your physical existence is important.


Why Are You Focusing on Your Physical Existence?

On a daily basis, we are focused on one of these three levels. 

  • Who we pretend we are
  • Who we are afraid we are
  • Who we really are

Can you answer which one you likely exist in if you are focusing on your physical appearance and existence?  

So check it out, I am not judging at all.  I like to exercise and I am working towards losing weight.  Our physical existence is important to maintain.  Eating healthy and exercising are great and essential to our physical survival.  However, that is what it is for.  Not to impress others or compare yourself to others.  It is not the tool to use to make sure your hubby stays loyal or even to look in the mirror and feel good about yourself.  These are all lies you are telling yourself to pretend who you are.  

Our physical existence is what I call our “imaginary” existence.  What?!*  Oh yeah – I said it.  This is the easiest part of our existence for us to alter and present to others.  It is the level of our existence that we do our damndest to perfect at whatever level needed so others can believe the facade.

And with all that crap, bullshit called – you still feel like shit.  It provides temporary relief just like meds and therapy.  And you smile and fake that all day long.  Heck, you have yourself convinced the most about it.  You like being the “MILF” or “the mom that buys her kids everything they want”.  Nopers. All temporary rewards.

You’re Convinced You are Your Physical Existence

The convincing happens within each of us first because it allows for us to justify and/or ignore the truth of what’s really happening within us.  Anxiety and depression is crushing you from within.  I know you know it’s true. And this continues no matter how gorgeous you see yourself. How successful you think you are or how much stuff you got.

All of the compliments in the world and the 30k photos and all of the googly eyes still will not bring back that light in your eyes.  The beautiful house, fancy cars, or stunning jewelry will not fulfill your life. It’s nice but you still feel empty within.

You want to shine again.  Showing that smile that attracts someone from across the room.  Have that conversation that allows for your eyes to glimmer.  That’s what you want.  You want and your longing for and searching for – you need you!  The authentic, genuine you from within.

The reason why you’re convinced that you are your physical existence is because heck once again, without a body you don’t physically exist.  However, your physical existence is not your appearance.  And your appearance, what people see, yes is in part your body, but it’s so much more than just that! 

Personally, I have met gorgeous women that seemed to have it all together and you speak with them and I’ve been like – nope, not my person.  And I have met beautiful women that have felt that they were not physically up to par but let me tell you they were so attractive because they were so much more than just their physical appearance.

Have you ever met a man that others said – “he’s so not at your level” but to you he was the world?  Why?  Not because he’s the most handsome man but damn that connection made him amazing.  Your attractiveness, your beauty, your ability to connect to others comes from more than your physical appearance – more than your physical existence.

Don’t let anxiety and depression lie to you and say that you are experiencing these things because you are not perfect.  You are perfect because you are imperfect!  That’s what makes you, you.  And you are a mom that needs to teach your kiddos that they are awesome, amazing, unique, beautiful people no matter what their physical existence, appearance presents.  

What Level of Existence Should Be the Focus?

The level of existence that should be the focus is your core existence.  Your core existence consists of your soul and your spirit.  If you are still reading this, then I am going to dare to say that you have a feminine fighter soul.  A soul that due to life’s challenges and battles has taken on more than it could handle because you were facing these battles and challenges alone.  

There is a connection, or a re-connection that needs to be made to your divine warrior spirit.  However, the first step is to establish self-awareness to who you are.  Remove the labels.  No titles welcomed here.  Stop!  No mistake territory.  Flip those mistakes into what your intention was.  For example:  I might say I am a terrible wife.  Why am I saying that?  What do I want to be?  A good wife?  Why do I want to be a good wife?  Because I am loving, because I am kind, because I am giving.  

Transition that into your own words.  You can also remember who you were prior to all the stuff that life has hit you with.  You can take that back to your teens, to when you were 10, or when you were 5.  Gain massive clarity on who you are.  

Be kind to yourself and take your time.  Remember, working from the outside towards the inside may bring up some emotions, experiences, and events you may have forgotten about.  This part of the journey is like a labyrinth.  It seems like it’s a clear path and like you may be getting lost along the way.  But you’re not!  You’re discovering your brilliant inner light!


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Our physical existence is the easiest level for us to work on.  It provides us a way out to not work on what’s most important.  You!  We were never meant to all look alike.  Can you imagine that?  No diversity, so boring.  I love colors and all the beautiful shades of them.  How about you?  Neutral is nice for a moment.

Your job title, your status, your belongings and all those things you present to others to make it seem like you have your life all together is not your physical existence.

It is a fact that we must take care of our physical existence, our bodies.  But our bodies will eventually break down.  They may not be as vibrant and pretty as they once were.  However, it does not change who we are.  Confidence is built from who you are and having strong core foundations.  When you believe and have faith in yourself because you have clarity on who you are it shines through any physical appearance.

And if you really want to overcome anxiety and depression.  The work must be focused at a deeper level of your existence.  It’s not easy.  The time is overdue for us to stop desiring easy.  One hour of energy work is like doing 8 hours of physical work.  So prep yourself.  The result is so damn worth it though.  Imagine what you will look like, what your family looks like without all those mental illness labels!  I am so excited for you!


What’s Next?

If you want to start discovering your authentic self, try the few steps provided above.  Of course, that’s going to feel like dipping your toe into the pool on a hot summer day but the relief it provides from the heat lets you breathe again.  Or if you dare, and you’re one of those – let me just jump right in and get it over with – please feel free to message me.  It is time for a massive mommy empowerment movement against anxiety and depression to take place!  That is why you should spend less time focusing on your physical existence.  Because your physical existence aligns with what is at your core existence automatically.

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