How to Turn Your Hurt into Hope

Have you ever experienced a hurt so intense you just wanted to give up? If so, you’ll know that it’s a hurt that exists in your soul and too much to  overcome because you can’t “just get over it.”  I remember when I was hurt so intensely that it landed me in a state of depression so deep that I found it hard to even breathe. After realizing that, as a mom, I could not afford to continue this way, I discovered that there is a way to turn that hurt into hope. In this post I will show you how to turn your hurt into hope.

Photo by Johannes Plenio

Hurt That Wounds Your Soul

There are many different levels to the hurt that a person can experience.  In this post, I will talk about what I believe is the deepest level of hurt.  The type of hurt that wounds your soul.  A hurt so intense that it changes the essence of who you are.  Most importantly, I will provide you with the most important key on how to turn your hurt into hope.

No one goes through life unscathed.  Whether it be a family member, a loved one, a co-worker, a friend or a loss; there will come a time where something will hurt us.  Some hurts we will brush off or overlook and forgive.  Other hurts will take some time to heal however we resume life as normal.  However, there are some hurts that no matter how much time passes or what is said it changes who we are.

Either way, life does go on.  Eventually, you will block the event out of your mind and convince yourself that you are over it.  The truth is that doing this will literally come back with a vengeance.  Why?  The strange thing about an intense hurt that wounded your soul somehow continues to  reappear in our lives at the most inopportune times and intensifies.  

The worst part of it all is that because we are moms, fighters and we are strong, blocking out the core of our issues is easy.  So easy that we forget and forgetting isn’t always the best way.  But we have to keep moving with our busy mom life.  That is until we realize the foundation we built everything on is weak and it all comes crashing down.  Depression in its rawest form is based here.

Every time a related issue appears in our lives, the hurt that wounds your soul becomes traumatic.  However, since we have forgotten what caused the original intense hurt.  That is why all we can focus on is the current situation.  This leads to misunderstandings in relationships, communication, connection, and within yourself.  

That is why it is important to understand that there are different different levels of hurt.  Each hurt must be handled differently.  You must assess and be aware of your level of hurt and determine the best way to overcome it.  You must not assume you know it is related to a recent event.  But instead, keep an open mind and heart to discover where this level of hurt originated from.  

Photo by Johannes Plenio:

The Blast From the Past

The hurts that wound your soul are unique, just like you.  The hurts that wound your soul are intense and cannot be ignored.  In order to turn your hurt into hope you must find the core of the issue.  The blast from the past that caused that intense hurt that wounded your soul.  

You may be asking yourself, “Why would I want to look into my past?  The past is the past and nothing can change that.”  Kudos to you and I partially agree. You cannot look into the past to dwell in the past.  However, looking into the past to identify the issue, establish a plan to shift energy and empower connection is necessary.  

Why?  Whenever an event happens that reminds you of the intense hurt that wounded your soul, you will know it because depression accompanies it.  Perhaps this short personal story will help you better understand.

The Past In The Present

When I was a teen, I lived in Puerto Rico.  I had an awesome aunt that cooked things from scratch and was willing to teach me how to do the same.  It was a memorable experience for me.  Growing up in Chicago with two working parents left little time for cooking from scratch and less patience to teach how to.  

I stood there with curiosity as she taught me what passion fruit was and how to make a refreshing juice with it.  She handed me a passion fruit and a knife to cut it open.  When I pushed down on the knife something happened.   

My first reaction was awe of the bright orange flesh inside the passion fruit. The second one was a stinging pain.  I noticed a lot of red liquid on the counter.  Ouch, the tip of my pointer finger was sliced to the bone.  Jeez, my aunt’s knives were good quality!

I fainted.  I awoke to my uncle rushing me to the ocean so I could clean the wound in salt water.  He reassured me it would heal better this way.  He added a couple butterfly stitches and made me promise to go to the ocean every day until the skin reconnected and the wound sealed.  

Another AHA moment, nature healed my wound; not a doctor or stitches.  Great, right?

Several years later, I was walking in my home and somehow hit my finger on the edge of the wall in direct alignment with the wound.  Let’s just say that the impact brought tears to my eyes and I cursed at the wall.  I asked myself why I was so clumsy and then I realized the reason why the impact was so intense.  It was because I hit my prior cut.  

How was it possible that a wound from so many years prior could still hurt so intensely?  

This is the same with a hurt that wounds your soul.  It was a blast from the past reminding me of the intense hurt it once experienced. This is why it is important to know your level of hurt and assess the blast from the past to discover the source.  You must turn your hurt into hope.

Photo by Johannes Plenio:

Discover the Opportunity and Be Epic

Let me take a moment here to be fully transparent.  Assessing the source of the hurt that has wounded your soul is not a walk in the park.  But as a mom, you have to because you owe it to your kiddos.  There is no time for you to hold yourself back from being the best mom you can be.  The time is now for you to discover the opportunity and be epic by turning your hurt into hope.

Back to my story.  

When I realized how much pain I could experience from the hurt my finger experienced years prior, I was careful not to hit it again.  For a moment, I thought to myself that all of this was happening because I didn’t get professional, medical treatment.  I blamed my uncle.  However, after some research this was proven to be false.  

The truth was that the type of wound I had was the reason why it still caused such intense hurt even after so many years.  It seriously needed several years to heal.  It would have been that way even if it had been professionally stitched.  I also realized what really had happened.  

My uncle had saved me an hour trip to the hospital plus whatever wait times there may have been.  He saved my dad from unnecessary medical expenses.  The unnecessary shots and stitches saved me from additional scares.  Plus I was able to get a beautiful golden tan by having to go to the beach daily.  

The research and different perspective helped me release negativity and allowed me not to place false blame.  I learned so much from that moment of intense hurt.  I was able to discover the opportunity and be epic.

Photo by Anand Dandekar:

The Truth Shall Set You Free!

Well wait!  What was the opportunity and how could I be epic from that scenario?  There is a brilliance that comes from the smallest moments.  Life is so busy we easily overlook them.  I didn’t overlook it and the famous saying, “The truth shall set you free”, took on a new meaning.  I turned my hurt into hope by knowing the complete healing would come.

You see, when I hit my finger and the hurt that I felt came at me tenfold my reaction when I recalled the original incident was to falsely place blame.  The truth was that I should have been more careful while using sharp knives.

Now looking at the current situation, I should have been aware that I almost cut the tip of my finger off and that it would take a long time to fully heal.  Nonetheless, it was easier to recall the original situation and avoid accepting responsibility.

The truth is that even with the hurts that wound your soul this will remain the underlying factor.  You can only control what you do and how you feel.  Stop placing blame on others or allowing others to make you feel some kind of way. Take back your energy and reclaim your power.

Do what you need to do in order to heal the wound of your soul because it is essential to your success.  If it’s closure you seek, take the steps you can control without expectations of the other party.  You may need something different.  However, until you assess and become aware of the source of the hurt you will continue being depressed.

Be accountable for that which you are responsible for.  Do not fear the truth and end the need to blame.  Keep an open mind and an open heart so the vital connection can be made.  Allow for your soul to heal.  You must allow for the truth to set you free!  Turn your hurt into hope.

Photo by Dylan:

Empower Yourself Mommy

The simple fact in life is that it will never always be easy.  We will never be perfect and shit is going to happen.  The beauty of it is that this applies to everyone whether they show it or not.  The hurts that wound the soul can either cripple you with depression or you can use them to empower yourself mommy.  What is your choice?

I hope you choose to empower yourself mommy and turn your hurt into hope.  In this post you learned how important it is to understand how the hurt that wounds your soul is different, why evaluating the blast from the past is crucial to healing, and discovering the opportunity helps you be epic.  The truth shall set you free is also the most empowering in how to turn your hurt into hope because you take back your energy and reclaim your power by accepting responsibility for you.

Now go out and do some of the work and see what happens.

The major key here in how to turn your hurt into hope is a process that I call, The Mommy Empowerment Evolution that will be shared to a select few in the upcoming months.  Here you learn to assess, evaluate, and activate being energetically alive and fiercely free from depression naturally so that you can live an empowered life.

Now that you know some basics on how to turn your hurt into hope, you’re ready to get started without worrying about expectations or judgment.  If I did it, anyone can.

Photo by Pixabay:

A Little Favor To Ask

I’d love to pick your brain!  Have you ever experienced a hurt so intense that it wounded your soul? If so, did you find this useful?  I’d love to hear from you! You can leave a comment below.

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