Understanding the Link Between Anxiety & Depression and Life Experiences: A Comprehensive Overview
This blog post is going to provide a comprehensive overview to understand the link between anxiety & depression and life experiences. This invaluable insight will help provide clarity to behaviors and actions that are unhealthy. It will also provide awareness of the unhealthy connections you have established and begin to transition those connections towards attitudes and habits that leave your body feeling more comfortable, your soul more peaceful, your mind more excited, and your spirit connected.
Mom’s Life Experiences
Moms that struggle with anxiety & depression handle life experiences in constant “survival” mode. Her days consist of meeting everyone’s expectations from work to personal life to societal demands and so much more. That extra hour to take care of herself and recognize those things that are not serving her seems impossible and unimportant. Habits, behaviors, attitudes, and actions become routines that become a cycle of unfulfillment.
The Link Between Anxiety & Depression and Life Experiences
This cycle of unfulfillment in life experiences becomes natural and unnoticeable. It creates emptiness and void. This cycle can go on for days, weeks, and years without any understanding and any desire to end it. This is where anxiety & depression subtly begin and thrive.
It isn’t until a total breakdown, exhaustion, or panic settles in that you begin to question what is going on. As a mom, you may know you need to take a break and you know that something is seriously going on within you, but with your demanding work schedule and kid’s activities, you simply don’t have the time or energy to dig deeper into it. You figure it will eventually pass as it has done so many other times.
Until one day, you notice that the struggle to overcome exhaustion, overwhelm, and mom guilt has become an everyday battle, and you decide you need to do something. So, you reach out to a mom friend who explains that she also experienced that and went to the doctor who prescribed medications and since then she can function without all the emotions disturbing her routine. You try it and it doesn’t work for you.
You let it go. Time passes and you can sense that everything is headed towards a downward spiral. Frustration settles in and you reach out to your doctor who recommends therapy. Here you begin to uncover many childhood experiences that you had forgotten about, and you begin understanding why things are the way they are for you. Quickly that understanding becomes justification and blame, anger, and sadness. Now, you feel dark inside. You don’t like this.
Venting It Out
Desperate for a solution, you reach out to an online community that vents their frustrations, and everyone piggybacks off the other’s energy. It feels good to vent and not be judged. However, this isn’t helping. Until one day, a person recommends a life coach that helps empower moms to overcome anxiety & depression naturally by creating genuine connections. So, you take a chance because what else do you have to lose? After one conversation your inner light ignites within and day one of becoming the master of your own life.
The Heart-to-Heart Connection Session
That is exactly what happened with one mom that was referred to me. And now it’s time for me to show you the exact process that made that all possible. Understanding the link between anxiety & depression and life experiences will provide awareness of the unhealthy connections you have established and allow you to transition them to genuine connections that serve you.
The Result
After one heart-to-heart connection session, the result for that mom was her inner light was reignited. However, what was more impressive is that after 12 weeks of working together she was able to:
- physically feel more aligned,
- she had experienced calm and peace that she hadn’t experienced ever,
- mentally she was relaxed and excited to explore the limits of her new goals with clear intentions,
- spiritually she was connected for the first time and had a constant energy flow she resourcefully used,
- and had gained brilliant clarity and understanding of how she could become the master of her life.
She was no longer functioning from a place of survival mode. She was now a Wonderfully Optimistic Warrior (W.O.W.) mom fulfilling her dreams. Here’s the exact comprehensive overview that was provided in our heart-to-heart that ignited the inner light within her.
Comprehensive Overview
First, the mom (for confidentiality we will refer to her as the mom) took note of where she stood with her life experiences and her emotional health. She immediately completed the self-awareness worksheet I sent her to assess her current behaviors, actions, attitudes, and beliefs. She also used the bonus worksheet sent to record what her ideal self looked like for her.
Next, she was able to detail some impactful life experiences during our heart-to-heart connection session in my virtual office. The next step was to assess and evaluate how those life experiences were linked to the anxiety & depression she experienced. Understanding that link allowed this mom to become aware of the unhealthy connections that were attaching themselves to her current life.
She then became aware of how those unhealthy connections were draining her of her optimism, her faith, and energy. These were each healthy and serving areas of her life that she wanted to grow in more than anything. She also recognized how those unhealthy connections were stealing genuine love from her life. The ability to unconditionally love herself and all those around her.
The self-awareness that she discovered allowed us to work together and create a specifically designed battle plan strategy that created a fortified connection within herself to her mind, body, soul, and spirit that made her the lighthouse fortress her family needed to be balanced, and whole again.
Quick Summary
In summary, that’s all there is to it. That’s how one mom ignited her inner light within her from the chaos and confusion of her life experiences linked to anxiety and depression in one heart-to-heart connection session. Life is so busy that we get frustrated when the internet lags for 10 seconds. It is very easy to miss the internal disconnect we experience throughout life that can quickly lead to anxiety and depression.
Duplicatable Process
The great news is a duplicatable process. What does this mean for you? It means that you can get the same results this mom did by following this same process.
What’s Next
If you found this inspiring, I’d really appreciate it if you would take the time to complete the FREE worksheets provided to get you started.
Should you find that you need some additional guidance, I extend a personal invite to schedule some time on my calendar for the heart-to-heart connection session which is my honor to participate in because you must give up some of your most valuable resource, a moment of your time.
I’d also like to hear from you: after completing the worksheet, if it proved valuable or if there may have been something else you would have liked, please leave a comment, and let me know.