The Invisible Warrior: Understand & Support Moms with Anxiety & Depression
The invisible warrior: Understand and support moms with anxiety and depression with the connection she needs. Many times, she is challenged to understand what she is experiencing. The aloneness of it all becomes unbearable and is not acceptable. Moms are the invisible warriors who simply have not become aware of their natural powers. It is time to empower moms around the world for the success of our healthy, future generations. This post is designed to help you understand what you can do.
The Invisible Warriors: Understand and Support Moms with Anxiety and Depression
Shedding Light on the Invisible Warrior and The Silent Battle I Connection to Her True Identity I The Adventure of Self-Discovery I The Wonderfully Optimistic Warrior (W.O.W.) Mom I Big Picture View I Something For You
Shedding Light on the Invisible Warrior and The Silent Battle
Fact: She wants off the emotional rollercoaster as much as you are tired of trying to understand it.
The Mommy Empowerment Coach
The way I experienced anxiety and depression as a mother is different than what any other person will experience. Why? Because my life, my adventure in this life is unique just as yours is. However, there are many commonalities that I will be sharing in this post. In my experience, it is utterly important for those who are on the adventure with moms with anxiety and depression to understand and provide support. This post will help you to know how.
Even as a mom with anxiety and depression here are some things that have been done or said to me and I have even done and said without being aware of the damage I was causing:
- “This is just a moment. It will get better.”
- “I know you need your space. I will give you time alone.”
- “I’m here to just listen.”
- “Others have it worse.”
- “I know you are strong and will work through this.”
- “Wow, I’m so sorry you’re going through this.”
- “I wish I could understand how you feel. I just don’t get it.”
- “Maybe you should talk to the doctor about changing your meds or make an appointment with your therapist.”
The list can go on forever. However, these are the main ones for this discussion.
Please understand that she knows your intentions are pure. Moms with anxiety and depression get that you don’t know how to help. Heck, she doesn’t understand what’s going on herself. All she knows is that everything she is doing is not working. She needs help. That is her silent battle.
You see, there is one main point that you are missing about the silent battle. She has already told herself all of these things before reaching out to you. The invisible warrior within her carried her through to this point. However, she longs for one thing that can pick her up off of her knees. That is a genuine connection that can only come from those who truly know her.
What she cannot see is that there is an invisible warrior within her. All she needs is someone to start shedding light on that fact. Then the silent battle no longer needs to be silent or even a battle. There is a key to empower the invisible warrior. It is to genuinely understand and support moms with anxiety and depression.
Connection to Her True Identity
Amidst the chaos of motherhood, every accomplishment in her life feels like a regret. The journey has led to a life of self-sacrifice with small to no adventures. Or so it seems. It has created an emotional rollercoaster that has created an imbalance within herself. And although she strives to regain balance, she seems to fail. What has happened? She has lost connection to her true identity.
What does this look like?
- Everything feels fake or forced.
- Always too busy or too tired
- Little to no social connection or even too much social connection
- Everything involves the words “should” or “have to”
- Perfectionism, high expectations, and/or demands.
- There is an invisible wall put up for those closest to her.
What’s going on? She is tired of talking about it, feeling it, and being disappointed. The shame, guilt, overwhelm, and hopelessness of it all just need to end. Yet, everyone she goes is not able to understand and support her. So, she needs to brush off the emotions and keep on doing what’s expected of her. In all transparency, the aloneness of it all is making life a very dark place.
Great news. By providing understanding and supporting moms with anxiety and depression, you can help them build a connection to their true identity. How do you help them create change? Empower and bring awareness to the invisible warriors they have within.
The Adventure of Self-Discovery
Moms with anxiety and depression cannot see the opportunities that lie ahead for them. It has become a defense mechanism to lower expectations. Afterall, life has made them no stranger to disappointment. The truth is that some of the closest relationships that a mom has done and do the same. So, she will self-sacrifice and force a smile even though she is completely disconnected from others and herself. It is crucial that she experience the adventure of self-discovery in her new phase of life.
You must support her in the adventure of self-discovery. Oh, you do? And of course, you will. Remember, adventures still have ups and downs. With new adventures, a new awareness is created for everyone involved. So, I challenge you to ask yourself, how open are you?
Ask yourself this:
- How many times have you known that a mom with anxiety and depression was suffering, and you avoided asking any questions?
- Or you just didn’t know what to say so you brought up a different topic?
- Maybe you thought, “she has said this before. It will pass”.
- And because she is high achieving, how many times have you simply left something for her to take care of and justify it with it’s a win-win. She keeps busy and it gets done the way she likes. Even though you know she is overwhelmed already.
- Have you ever zoned out during a conversation?
These things must be checked and you must become aware of your actions as well. As a mom with anxiety and depression begins the adventure of self-discovery, she will still need you to understand and people to support her. There will be many moments of happiness that she will want to share. You must be open to listening and understanding her emotions and progress. The connections formed are crucial to build upon. Slowly but surely a beautiful, brilliant, and bold mom will emerge from within. The invisible warrior, the W.O.W. Mom will emerge from anxiety and depression. All through the adventure of self-discovery.
The Wonderfully Optimistic Warrior (W.O.W.) Mom
When genuine connections are built with your true self, a warrior emerges. Anxiety and depression are the enemy, not the mom who experiences them. She is a beautiful soul; a feminine fighter soul keeps her fighting through the daily silent battle. Her great motivator? Her kiddos, her family. If she can learn how to overcome anxiety and depression without medications and endless therapy that keep her living in the past – she can make a connection that has been lost.
That is the reason why she relies on those around her so much for validation. Her spirit within, the invisible warrior, is letting her know something is missing. However, the pressure is too much for any one person to carry. It is too much for you and even more overwhelming for her. The most precious gift you can provide for moms is the adventure of self-discovery. Empower her W.O.W. to emerge. When her divine warrior spirit and feminine fighter soul connect, the peace, balance, and enjoyment of life will radiate throughout.
The person you love will authentically shine with resilient energy, fearless confidence, and brilliant clarity to create the life she wants. When you understand and support moms with anxiety and depression, you get to enjoy life with this magnificent invisible warrior. The future success of the world, of families experiencing genuine connections starts with each one of us. Imagine a world full of Wonderfully Optimistic Warrior Moms creating the lives they want and empowering that into their kiddos’ lives. Ahhhh, what a breath of fresh air for all of us.
Big Picture View
As a mom has experienced anxiety and depression, what they want you to understand is:
- We are doing our best to shield our kiddos from our inner chaos.
- We have been in survival mode longer than most people will experience in an entire lifetime.
- We are independent and rely on ourselves to work through the chaos; sometimes we need help.
- We don’t need you to fix us. All we need is support to sort through it all and find ourselves.
- Life has thrown us more hard balls than we care for. We simply want to reach our full potential as moms, spouses, family members, entrepreneurs/employees, and spiritual women.
Understanding and supporting moms with anxiety and depression will empower the invisible warriors to emerge. She has a Wonderfully Optimistic Warrior Mom within who is ready to shine. Empower her adventure through self-discovery today. Empower and strengthen genuine connections and watch our future successes evolve. Shed light to the invisible warrior and end the silent battle.
Something For You
Providing understanding and supporting moms with anxiety and depression is the first step. The adventure of self-discovery is one she must choose to take. Join our weekly newsletter or have her join our weekly newsletter to receive some sweet FREEBIES and inspiration. You will also receive posts as they are released. And if you need a little more, we can schedule a courtesy Empowerment Connection Session to see if our souls connect for the adventure that lies ahead.
As always, your time and attention are appreciated.