Soulful Parenting: Nurturing Emotional Well-Being For Moms
According to Gallup, clinical depression has reached new highs in 2023. The greatest increases have been among women and young adults. Could there be any clearer connection to how important nurturing emotional well-being for moms is?
As a mom that battled anxiety and depression, there is one thing I know is a fact. It is crucial for moms to empower their soulful parenting. Developing emotional intelligence and using a holistic approach will change your life. The time for change is now so we can improve the emotional well-being of our future generations. What will you pass onto your children?
Nurturing the Soul: The Importance of Moms Well-Being
What is Depression | Depression and the Motherly Bond | What is Emotional Intelligence | What is Soulful Parenting | Nurturing the Soul
What Is Depression
Depression is a common word today. A simple google search will provide the appropriate medical definition. However, this post is designed to provide actual terms anyone can understand and with that will come a disclosure.
Any information I share is not to be considered the only or best way. It is a different way. What I share is my experience and what I have discovered works. It has evolved throughout the years and I am finally ready to share the vulnerable stories with you. Ready?
What is depression for me? Depression took on many faces in my life. Each with a very different appearance.
At first, it looked like a series of self-sabotaging decisions. During another time, it was sadness that turned into rage that turned into nothingness. At its worst it was an extremely abusive relationship, 45lb weight gain, scars on my arms, quit my career, lost myself completely, and financial ruin.
Admittedly, I talked about everything I felt with every person I could. All in search of an answer and finding judgment instead. I learned to keep everything inside. However, the outside world could see what was going on and label me.
It’s strange however. My absolute low was really when I was doing my best. I had a great career, beautiful, spotless house, lots of smiles and laughs, physically healthy, good marriage, happy and busy kids, and financially stable. I can remember seeing pride in my family’s eyes. But within I was fading away.
The truth was I had become a workaholic, work out addict, and perfection was a real goal. I would not sleep and constantly worry about everything. Each of my past mistakes replayed in my mind. Promises of never being that terrible mom again held me to extreme standards.
Mom Guilt
The guilt and shame of what I had put my children through robbed me of any peace. Mom guilt wouldn’t allow one moment of achievement. So, I allowed the voice of my inner critic to get louder. I kept doing and being what everyone else expected.
It seemed like they loved me the most when I despised myself. Did they even know me? How could they not see I was fading away inside?
That’s what depression looked and felt like for me. What is depression for you?
Fact: I had no clue what was really going on with me. How could they? Figuring that out, discovering who I was and what I wanted without inherited bias was the key to how I could change my life.
Depression and the Motherly Bond
The motherly bond is important for many reasons. Some of the key ones according to the National Institutes of Health are more positive parenting behaviors along with cognitive and neurobehavioral development in children. Let’s not forget to mention the trust and security that is formed by having mom as an emotional safe haven.
What effect is there between depression and the motherly bond?
As a mom of seven, that battled depression (and anxiety) I can say the motherly bond begins from day one in the belly. There is no advice I can or would give to any mom that is pregnant and feeling overwhelmed, guilt, or doubt. The advice I would give myself 29 years ago is only this:
- understanding,
- channeling,
- empowering,
- and inspiring my emotions to establish healthy relationships;
Is all worth taking the time to develop. This is the time to establish resilient emotional well-being. Book smart is great and I was definitely book smart. But gosh darn it, emotional intelligence is priceless to your well-being and improving the emotional well-being of future generations.
That would be what I would tell myself. Discovering, developing, and demonstrating emotional intelligence would have helped overcome depression and the motherly bond with my children would have provided a solid foundation. Instead of,
- Pushing through the depression.
- Being strong in spite of it.
- Getting things done and not dwelling on myself and what I was feeling.
- Denying myself and my kiddos of the beautiful woman that is M.E.;
And seeing how my children struggled through their own life challenges without being able to support them as a mother should. With tools to empower them and improve their well-being.
Goal: Opportunity Now
Unfortunately, 29 years ago, depression blinded me from the brilliant light that I had within. My biggest fear was that I would pass on the behaviors and emotions that I despised about myself. That is why it is my mission to never allow another mom to go through the same thing.
Emotions were something that were temporary and you had to take control of. An emotional woman was because she was weak. I would not be that. I forced my way through life with that inherited bias. It wasn’t until I explored the world of emotional intelligence that I could breathe.
That was the beginning of how my life changed. Better late than never! Could it be how you can change your life too?
What Is Emotional Intelligence
Maybe you already know what emotional intelligence is. Or maybe you’re asking yourself, what is emotional intelligence? Emotional intelligence consists of two major components; intrapersonal intelligence and interpersonal intelligence.
Intrapersonal intelligence is your ability to be aware of your moods, emotions, and intentions. This awareness leads to the ability to transform these into behaviors that serve your purpose. Those that have strong intrapersonal intelligence are open minded and flexible. Thinking before reacting is a major strength here due to understanding how your emotions affect others.
Interpersonal intelligence is your ability to understand others. What are their moods, emotions, and intentions? Developing this component is next level stuff. Why? Because not only will you understand their emotions, you will be able to influence those emotions and interact with empathy.
As a mom, can you see how crucial emotional intelligence is in building rapport, finding common ground, and connecting with your kiddos? Remember, that motherly bond is your children’s safe haven for trust and security.
If you’re anything like me, that voice of guilt is screaming within, telling you:
- You’re too late – damage is done
- You can’t learn emotional intelligence or develop it, or
- You don’t believe it’s true that this is a “thing”
I’m going to take a leap of faith here and say doing anything right now is better than doing nothing. Take a chance and read a little further. If there’s a chance that parenting a little differently will improve your children’s emotional well-being and it starts with improving yours. What if it isn’t only knowing what emotional intelligence is?
What if it’s really about feeling what emotional intelligence is? Isn’t it worth it?
Can soulful parenting be the answer you have been waiting for?
What is Soulful Parenting?
If you google soulful parenting you are going to find many websites that provide some inspiring information and definitions. The Mommy Empowerment Project looks at things a little differently. What is soulful parenting? Soulful parenting is split up into three parts; mind, will, and emotions.
Soulful parenting is based on empowering your emotions through your thoughts and actions inspired by your will. Life challenges and battles are inevitable. Growth is an essential part of health. Life challenges and battles provide the skills we need to grow.
When you are equipped with the essential tools you need to overcome life challenges and battles optimism naturally follows. You will reinforce yourself with connection and connection builds confidence. The ability to develop this new skill and reveal your brilliant light from within will break down those barriers of depression.
When you empower your soul and transform that into soulful parenting that is mommy empowerment. That is how you change your life from depression to a life you enjoy living.
Soulful parenting is how we improve the emotional well-being of future generations. The key element to soulful parenting is nurturing the soul. How do you begin nurturing the soul?
Nurturing the Soul
Nurturing the soul may sound like a bunch of woo-woo to you. Believe me when I say it’s not. If you have ever wondered why medications and traditional therapy do not work for your depression, this one’s for you.
Trying to understand our very existence can be complex. After all, we are multidimensional. It’s no wonder understanding what is “off” within us can be so challenging.
However, let’s keep it as simple as possible.
There are scientifically proven methods to nurturing the soul. Just ask The Institute of Noetic Sciences and you will receive your confirmation. I’m certain you’ve heard a boatload about consciousness.
Not convinced yet? Another resource that confirms just how important nurturing the soul can be is the bible. The bible goes back to when complexity wasn’t necessary. It clearly explains throughout many verses and books our very existence.
The confirmation in each resource is the same. Every person consists of three main components; the soul, the spirit, and the body. Your soul consists of your mind, will, and emotions. This is where emotional intelligence allows for the opportunity to overcome depression.
The Connection is Important
And although you can find extensive well-being information on each, the connection between each can get lost in translation. And it shouldn’t. The connection is important.
You see, each component plays a role that has a domino effect with the others. If your soul’s health fails it will tumble into the spirit and the body and knock all of them down. It could be why depression continues with no cure and massive destruction.
This is why here at The Mommy Empowerment Project we focus on the soul first using a holistic approach. Addressing each section of each component is crucial to improve effectiveness. We also focus on you first.
As moms, focusing on everyone else first is a natural instinct. It is a survival instinct. However, if the tools you have been given to survive are outdated that natural instinct may provide more harm than good. By putting on the life vest first you can then provide the support your children will need. You can be their safe haven, their light in the dark when they feel lost.
Can you imagine your children’s lives filled with brilliant clarity, resilient energy, and fierce confidence? If you do, nurturing the soul is the answer to reduce stress and overwhelm that bring on depression. Medication and traditional therapy may work for many. But if it hasn’t for you, nurturing the soul using a holistic approach inspired by emotional intelligence may be the answer. Emotional intelligence is empowerment to well-being.
Conclusion and Closing Thoughts
Depression exists. It is not one size fits all and takes on many faces. One fact does remain. Depression and the motherly bond impact the emotional well-being of future generations. As a mom, it is crucial to develop emotional intelligence skills. Emotional intelligence will change your life and transform your relationships. The opportunity to experience soul-full parenting is priceless. The journey begins with moms being able to say, “It starts with M.E.”. Recognize the importance of mom’s well-being, nurture the soul first.
If I May
Can I please ask for a small favor? If you can leave a comment if you found anything valuable, it is truly appreciated. Remember, all you can ever do is the best you can with what you have available for you at the time. That’s all that anyone can ever expect of you.