About Luz

The journey through the different phases of life for high-achieving women can be intense.  Intensity is nothing new in your life.  Defying the odds comes naturally.  That’s why this sudden stand-still, knocking you off your behind is so overwhelming.

Your journey begins by knowing exactly what you want and where you’re headed.   One accomplishment after another checked off.   Even when the unexpected arises you still get to where you’re headed.  You have made it through your career, and it is amazing.

I help moms end the guilt and empower her purpose and passion to have harmony.

Along the way, you meet someone that you connect with 100%.  You get married and have a beautiful home.  He gets that your career matters to you.  And as certain as love is, your family begins.

So many challenging situations, how do you work and raise a child?  Who will take care of your child the way you do?  Can you still put in the requirements?  You will make it happen, nonetheless.  Why?  You are who are.  Your career lights you up within and being a mom does too.  You can have them both.  Screw what they tell you.  You’ve defied other odds.  You can do this too!

As years pass and your little ones are growing up, the dreaded question.  “Am I doing the right thing?  Can I have both?  Am I being selfish?”

Suddenly, nothing feels the same.  Your career becomes work; everything seems to be harder and take longer.  Marriage is just marriage; communication starts to lessen.  Taking care of the kids is love but something’s missing.  And no matter how hard you don’t want to feel this way, you do. 

woman in gray blazer standing by the window
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on Pexels.com

Guilt begins to build up.  Crying in the shower from the overwhelm and the guilt became a daily thing.  The same questions replayed in my head over and over.

How can you like the hustle of life so much?  Even when your heart is with your family.  Do you need to sacrifice one for the other?  Who can you talk to you?  Who will understand?  You can let your husband work, and he can manage the bills.  Being a stay-at-home can’t be that bad.

I understand.  This is my story.  How did it turn out?

Unexpected, with some flaws, but brilliant anyways!

Unexpected Outcomes

The guilt and the overwhelm were too much for me.  One decision led to many unexpected outcomes. I quit my career.  To be direct, I lost my mind for a bit.  I even did this crazy thing of hiring a life coach.  Why?  I tried traditional therapy that ended me up on meds and feeling worse.  So, I decided why not?  Let me tell you that the discoveries I made were a blessing. 

The experience was so amazing that I decided to help moms who face similar struggles.  Fact:  There was no need to quit my career.  What I was experiencing was at a deeper level and it wasn’t my fault.  Helping moms discover their next steps to end the guilt and empower their passion has been a beautiful opportunity.  The transformation I received from life coaching has allowed me to take my life to its next level.  I have studied and am a certified life coach.  Investing massive hours and years into research and creating an innovative holistic approach in my signature program brings me harmony.  The joy of my soul is when I get to be a guide for other women who realize the brilliance they have within them.

You are My Dedication

I value moms.  The impact a mom has is WOW.  She is the vibrance in her family dynamic.

I respect heart.  Everything that is done in life must have heart behind it.

Let’s talk about hustle.  Controversial, isn’t it?  Is it forcing or is it the willpower to defy the odds?  If you’re like me.  Then hustle is the willpower to defy the odds and it’s going to get done.

Empower Her Purpose

  • Reconnect with who you are in your core at this present moment
  • Restore, harmonize, and create holistic balance
  • Grow and transform while on the journey you create to a purposeful and passionate life.

Flow is where heart and hustle meet.  This level of empowerment is beyond basic strength, confidence, and clarity.  With flow, it adds passion. 

Empowerment is the process of getting stronger, more confident, and claiming your authority.  You combine that with passion and purpose and you have your WOW back!

Life is not without flaws or challenges.  Not every decision has the best outcome.  But if it lights you up from within it empowers your life.  Let’s work together and empower the connection between your heart, hustle, and flow.  Screw guilt, overwhelm, and avoid burnout.

With me you get the innovative tips on:

  • Reflection on who you were before you started this journey of determined success
  • Knowing who you are in this moment in your journey and connecting yourself in mind, body, soul, and spirit in about 3 hours per week
  • Learn how to prioritize, set boundaries, and end the overdoing
  • Create a journey where your heart and hustle intersect and design a path for your life that is full of passion and purpose


Certified Coach’s Highlights

For my moms who need credentials beyond life experience – I have mad love for you too. 

This is for you.

Certified Spiritual Healer

& Energy Healer & Meditation Practitioner from IOTH and IAM. Heal through inner child work, soul retrieval, and self-love techniques.

NLP Certified

From the Academy of Applied Modern Psychology. Adjust your communication and habits to optimize every interaction you have with yourself and others.

Emotional Intelligence Coach

From Transformation Academy. Learn how to build stronger relationships, have better communication, and become an effective leader.

Certified Mental Health & Wellbeing Coach

Academy of Modern Applied Psychology

Holistic approach to help you be in a state of contentment, happiness and healthiness in all areas of one’s life. Focus on identifying the issues in every area of life. 

Certified Life Coach

Academy of Modern Applied Psychology

As a certified life coach, my goal is to enhance your life through guidance, goal setting, and support. Entirely using a unique and proven approach to get you where you want to be.

Master Life Coach & Practitioner

Place of Bliss Academy

My specialized education, unique life experiences, and targeted training are geared to help you identify and work toward key personal development goals.

I am looking forward to meeting you and establishing a trusting, long lasting relationship throughout this journey together. Ready to have it all? Heart, hustle and flow.

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