Break Free and Connect With Your Soul

Have you ever asked yourself, “what is the purpose of anything that you do?”  If you have, it’s usually because you feel stuck or even trapped with no way out of your current situation.  I remember when I felt that same way.  To be completely transparent, those moments still try to keep back in my life.  After I had the opportunity to understand what my soul is and the importance of who I am everything changed. In this post I will show you how to break free and connect with your soul.

What is Soul?

According to Collins Dictionary, soul consists of your mind, character thoughts and feelings. Your soul is the core of what makes you a person.  This is the authentic version of you before the hurts and influences of the world. A pretty important part if I may add. 

Where do our personalities, our original personalities, come from?  They come from the soul.  As a mom, you witness this from the moment your child is born.  Do you remember your child’s first signs of their personality? A smile or a grin? Independence or kindness?

As you go through life however, you are influenced by others.  You may be criticized by others for certain things you do, and in turn, attempt to change some of these characteristics.  For example, have you ever laughed at something that no one else found funny?  How did you feel after laughing?

The reactions of others will create impressions and influence how we respond to future situations. The mind will stop you from doing the same thing again so that you don’t feel “unaccepted” or “out of place”.  It begins with gradual changes and sometimes will lead to drastic changes in who you are.  

Our desire to be accepted stems from our need to be loved.  This desire can land us in a spiraling hole of denial of who we are and a disconnection to our soul.  It is time to let go of the need for acceptance or fear of being out of place.  In order to overcome depression and anxiety, you must break free and connect with your soul.

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The Importance of Your Soul

The phrase “sole purpose” is linked to motherhood so deeply that personally, I couldn’t break free from it for what seemed like forever.  My sole purpose in life was to take care of my kids and make sure they were safe and excelled.  But as each of them grew up and left, I felt a huge sense of losing my purpose.  

Why was this happening?

I began asking questions and looking for understanding.  I always found it odd that “sole” meaning singular and “soul” meaning personality seemed to be connected.  The connection is very deceiving and I will explain why.  

If each of us is born with a soul.  Our own unique personalities, our own characteristics and each of us is born for a reason, was I born solely to be a mom?  Is being a mom my sole purpose?  Did I not have a purpose before that?

Please be cautious when answering this question.  If you would have asked me this question 26 years ago I would have answered, “Hell yes”.  Today, not so much.  There is a beauty in being able to have a bigger outlook; a different view.  

The importance of soul is that you are YOU and you need to be YOU.  You are an individual person.  There is a need to connect and a need to be loved that drives us.  However, placing such a huge responsibility on yourself, on your kids, is not fair.  Have you ever met a mom that is crushed when her kids get married or go to college?

You were born with a soul.  Purpose was within you from the day you were born.  Becoming a mom is a blessing that enhances who you are but it is not your sole purpose in life.  That is just a lie.  One that has blinded you and keeps you in a dark hole, trapped.  It’s time to break free and connect with your soul.

Photo by Olga Lioncat

Flourishing or Dying

There are so many beliefs out there about what a mother’s obligations are.  Somehow they all end with the same one.  When you become a mom your life is entirely about them.  I will admit that they are a priority and MUST be.  But I ask you – does a priority in your life mean you stop being you?

Becoming a mother expands who you are as an individual.  It does not limit or restrict your brilliance.  The energy of your soul still needs to be seen and felt by you and everyone around you.  Are you allowing your soul to continue flourishing or dying?

Ever wonder why you are depressed and anxious?  

You have been created to love and be loved.  If you restrict yourself from loving you because of excuses and limitations and beliefs then yes, your soul is saddened, weakened, trapped.  Your soul does not have the opportunity to flourish.

Instead you are allowing your brilliance to be overcome with darkness.  Why?  The false belief that you have to “sacrifice” who you are to be a mom.  I will tread lightly here and expand.  When I speak of who you are – who you are in your soul.  This is before the influences and hurts of the world.  The way to break free and connect with your soul is by having a genuine connection with who you are.

Photo by Asad Photo Maldives

The Genuine Connection

The genuine connection needed to be loved is to connect with your soul.  Your personality, your characteristics, who you are without all of the influences and judgments and labels.  I would like to ask you – if it’s okay – to do this challenge.

If you had never been hurt or placed judgment on?  Let’s say other people’s criticisms did not happen.  Or you had not been wronged.  What would your life look like?  Who would you be or what would you be doing?  

Next level challenge – you might be upset with me on this one – I’m good with that though.  This is important, you are more important to me than you liking me.  Now, what would you be doing without including your kiddos?  Let’s keep it simple.

Why?  Because your kiddos are a blessing.  They are in addition to.  But not the primary source of your brilliance.  Your brilliance is you alone.  Just like their brilliance is theirs alone.

So, what are you doing all alone in all of your brilliance without hurts or regrets or shame?  How are you feeling right now?  Can you feel the energy within your soul, that genuine connection?  

Now I’m gonna call you out for a sec.  Who is holding you back from that?  Are you really trapped?  That connection you felt for a brief moment can be forever.  You have the choice to establish the connection you need that is flawless.  You can break free and connect with your soul in all of its beauty and brilliance.

Let’s Be Raw For A Moment

Now that you have experienced what a genuine connection feels like.  That is if you took a moment to put your BS aside to do the quick exercise above, free of excuses and free of complaints.  I will ask you to appreciate your beauty and brilliance.  Take time to create a genuine connection with your soul.  Why?

There is a warrior within you that is wonderfully optimistic.  The chaos of the world wants to trap you.  The fierceness that is within you makes it tremble.  It cannot hold you back but knows you can hold yourself back.  So it uses those around you and even yourself to create hurts that will cripple you.

I am here to say, “That shit stops today!”  You are beautiful and brilliant and bold.  We are the defiant ones – defying the odds.  We are Wonderfully Optimistic Warrior Moms shining in the darkness. We do the work that is hard because we are created to love and be loved.  Our souls flourish and the importance of genuine connection is within us.  It strengthens us and we do more than simply survive!

Learn, grow, expand, and evolve.  We do it together.

Photo by Tatiana Syrikova

Spread the Vibe

There is a power in connection that creates energy.  A life being energetically alive and fiercely free requires it.  If you would like to connect with someone that is judgment free, label free, and gets it – I say,  “Let’s connect! Follow me on Facebook.  Click this link.  

Now that you have more insight.  Let’s expand.  Feel free to comment on this.  

A mother’s love is like no other.  I will play devil’s advocate here.  How can a mother love another if she cannot love herself?  Can she love herself if she does not know herself?  Are her children an extension of herself?

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