Don’t Make This Silly Mistake With Anxiety and Depression

For any person that experiences anxiety and depression, it can be very challenging to understand what is going on.  When you make this person a mom, it can be unbearable.  Why?  Because not being able to fulfill the most important purpose in your life makes you feel crippled.  It also leads to confusion and chaos.  I know all about it.  That is the reason why this blog post is designed to help so you don’t make this silly mistake with anxiety and depression.  

What are Anxiety and Depression?

According to The American Psychological Association, anxiety is an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts, and physical changes like increased blood pressure.  And depression, according to The National Institute of Mental Health, is a serious mood disorder. It causes severe symptoms that affect how you feel, think, and handle daily activities, such as sleeping, eating, or working.

You have been provided with a brief definition of each of the mental health illnesses.  However, if you experience anxiety and depression you know it is so much more than this.  Let me provide you with a definition of anxiety and depression from a mom that experienced it for several years.  According to The Mommy Empowerment Coach, anxiety is when you experience an event in life that triggers a series of continuous thoughts that do not seem to stop.  You begin to assume every worst case scenario and it triggers a terrible, paralyzing physical reaction.  Anxiety is usually triggered because you were placed in a situation you are not comfortable being in.

The Mommy Empowerment Coach also defines depression.  Depression is a constant, lingering sense that something is seriously wrong.  It does not exist in your mind because no matter how great things are and regardless of what you’re thinking of, it is still there.  It makes you feel hopeless, lose your desire, and even lose your identity.  And you try to overcome it especially because you’re a mom.  Still, everything seems temporary.

Now, when you experience both of these it is the most intense battle you will ever face.  Why?  Because anxiety will trigger your depression and/or your depression will trigger your anxiety.  This is the reason why I personally call anxiety and depression “the deadly duo”.  The one mistake that many make is to believe that anxiety and depression are illnesses that exist in the mind. 

I believed for a very long time that they were mental illnesses.  However, that was a big mistake I made.  Placing belief in partial truths is dangerous for anyone experiencing anxiety and depression.   Please don’t make this silly mistake with anxiety and depression.   

Why Do I Believe Anxiety and Depression Are More?

You are probably thinking to yourself right now that I have lost my mind.  I will ask you to please be patient and keep an open mind.  And I have some questions to ask those of you that don’t believe that anxiety and depression are more than mental illnesses.  Ready?

  • Have you taken medication for your anxiety and depression?  Has it worked?  If so, is there an end date to how long you will need to take the meds before you no longer need them?
  • Are you going to therapy sessions?  Do they provide relief for your anxiety and depression?  For how long?  
  • When you experience anxiety and depression, does it feel like it’s only affecting your mind?  Or does it feel like it’s something deeper within you?  In your heart, in your soul?
  • Is there a little voice that you hear guiding you to question what’s going on?  Or have you shut off that communication?
  • Do you feel like yourself or like you’re doing and being what’s expected of you?

Unless you answered each of the above questions with total confidence that it is all in your mind alone then I ask that you allow yourself to read on a little more.  Don’t stay in the dark about understanding your anxiety and depression in its entirety.  Please don’t make this silly mistake with anxiety and depression.

Photo by Christina Morillo

Understanding More About Anxiety and Depression

Thanks for reading further.  So let’s start understanding more about anxiety and depression and where they exist.  Let’s start easy and with the obvious.  As a person, we have our bodies and our minds.  These two are definitely connected.  It is noticeable and it’s the easiest for people to comprehend.  I will not go into much detail here.

Another popular one is your soul.  Everyone speaks of your soul and who you are and what type of person that may be.  You may have heard popular terms like “old soul” or “the eyes are the soul of a person”.  So, accepting that we have a soul is relatively easy.  Our scientific peeps may debate this.  I will not because that’s not what this blog is about.  Follow along.

The one area of our existence that becomes confusing to understand is our spirit.  Why?  Because people use spirit and soul interchangeably.  However, they are separate entities.  They are connected to each other, no doubt.  Still, they are separate.  Aha, I knew we would get here.  So this is where I will elaborate.

Our spirit is our energy force.  It is the direct connection between us and the higher power.  You may call it the Universe, God, Allah, or whatever term you are comfortable with.  The fact is that it exists.  Spirit is our guide in this very confusing and chaotic world.  The lifeline given to us for support when life’s challenges and battles get tough.

So, when we are speaking about anxiety and depression.  Would it not make sense that the illness exists at every single of our level?  Also, what if the reason why they consider them a mental illness is because the mind is the gateway? What if it enters through our mind but exists elsewhere?  Could that be the reason why meds and therapy only provide temporary relief?  Is it possible that the main reason why anxiety and depression attacks are so crippling are because there is a disconnect at the core of who we are?

Not understanding the full circle is the mistake I made while struggling to overcome anxiety and depression.  Please don’t make this silly mistake with anxiety and depression.

What Are You Saying?

To be transparent, I am not saying that anxiety and depression do not also exist in the mind.  What I am challenging is that it’s deeper than that.  The appreciation for doctors and medicines is deep.  However, I have learned that first-hand experience is at times wiser than what can be learned in a book.  As a mom, as someone who experienced anxiety and depression, I have tried and tested my theory.  It was a long, trying process with a brilliant result.

Finding a process that empowers you to overcome anxiety and depression is essential.  While treating the symptoms of anxiety and depression is important.  The goal is to be complete again and no longer need to rely on anything except the power you have within you.

It is crucial for your relationships, especially for your children, that you are able to overcome this.  Until you can begin to live a life energetically alive and fiercely free will you be able to fully embrace what you have been missing out on.  Trust me, when the connection emerges there’s nothing else to say but W.O.W. 

360 Overview

Take a moment to dig down deep and if it is possible that there is a hurt that exists not only in your mind.  If there is a hurt that needs to be healed at your core.  Perhaps a disconnect somewhere, then focus on all of the possibilities that are there for you.

Explore your soul and the connection to your spirit.  Reach out to your power house and build from the foundation out.  Think of what’s not directly there for you to see.  Do not be distracted by the mirage.  Search for more.  

Please don’t make the silly mistake with anxiety and depression that I did.  Not understanding how it affects you in its entirety and what it makes you miss out on is silly.  Assuming that something is wrong with you and that’s why meds and therapy don’t work is silly.  Believing that anxiety and depression only exist in the mind is only partially true.  Always stay fully informed and always be open to trying new things, and innovative methods.

What’s Next


Because we are each unique and one size does not fit all in this case.  You deserve more that’s why you long for more.  Let’s discover that more from the foundation out.  

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Remember, this is all about mommy empowerment.  You already have everything you need within you.  It’s time to bring it all out to the light.  It’s time for you to shine!! Don’t make the silly mistake with anxiety and depression of staying in the dark.

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