Empower Your Self-Awareness:  Understanding the Levels of Existence

group of women standing close to each other

Fearless confidence, resilient energy, and having brilliant clarity to where you are going in life all seem impossible when faced with anxiety and depression.  The truth is that anxiety and depression create chaos to keep you distracted from your understanding, your self-awareness.  Too often anxiety and depression are addressed from “a mental illness” level.  However, part of self-awareness is understanding the levels of existence.  In this article, you will empower your self-awareness by understanding the levels of existence.  You will also gain insight to why it is necessary to address anxiety and depression at its many levels of existence.

 What Is Self-Awareness?

Self-awareness is when we understand and see ourselves with clarity.  It allows the opportunity to be confident and creative.  We begin to live life in alignment and as a result we make well grounded decisions that result in stronger relationships.  Effective communication becomes an achievable result because we know what we want and our direction in life.  These are all things that the deadly duo target to destroy.

 Without self-awareness a person may feel lost and quickly lose hope.  Life will continue to present challenges and battles to allow for our growth, our self-development.  Without self-awareness, anxiety and depression will attack the mind using the hurts of the soul and disconnect to spirit and likely win.  How can I say this?

Why is Self-Awareness Important?

Have you ever gone to any store without any purpose?  You just go to look?  After browsing you may see things you like, you may even select a few just to find yourself putting them back before you check out.  Or you may even buy them and quickly feel buyer’s remorse as soon as you leave.  Why?

Because you were not clear on what you were doing and there was no real purpose behind it besides to pass the time.  This happens with life as well.  If you are waking up every morning just doing things for others without clarity to your life purpose it will feel like a complete waste of time.  When you do things that provide momentary emotional happiness that quickly fade, guilt can quickly settle in.  

Self-awareness is critical to living a life of empowerment being energetically alive and fiercely free from anxiety and depression.  It all begins with having a full understanding of yourself and who you are, what is your unique purpose?  Why do you do what you do?  All great questions you have heard before.  However, if you will allow me I would like to take it back one step.  Let’s start with something a little more basic to empower your self-awareness by understanding the levels of existence.  

How Many Levels Are There in Our Existence?

Our existence is multidimensional.  With that being said there are five levels of our existence that I would like to bring self-awareness to.  First, understand that it is a scientific fact that we are energetic beings as well as physical beings.  It is also a fact that those things that “hold onto us” bring forth our greatest strengths according to Maria Nemeth, Ph.D.  

We have our existence in the physical and metaphysical realities.  It is my strong belief that anxiety and depression attack us in our metaphysical realities.  Our metaphysical reality is where our desires, wants, dreams, thoughts, beliefs, and motivational intentions exist.  This is where the energy of your spirit and soul exist.  Also, your mind because your mind is not physical.  Remember, your mind and brain are different and exist in different dimensions.

Our Physical Existence

Our physical existence consists of our body.  This is what houses and keeps your spirit, mind and soul together as one unit.  Your brain lives here also.  Our brain is a mastermind processing unit.  It communicates between the mind and body.  If you are experiencing stressful thoughts then your brain will communicate this to your body and you will take actions to protect yourself.  Overwhelm triggers the brain to tell your body to shut down because it is in danger.  This is why getting out of bed in the morning can be so challenging.  Or even going to bed at night because you are experiencing thoughts that will not allow you to rest instead your body is fighting to protect itself.

Stress that is located in other parts of our existence connect to our body and impact it negatively.  Even when you are taking healthy measures for your physical being, your other existences impact your physical existence.  Why is this?  

This is because our existence is connected at many levels and each impacts each other. Your ability to empower your self-awareness by understanding the level so existence is important to overcoming anxiety and depression.   

Our Mental Existence

Now let’s get straight to our mental existence.  This is one of the most complex to understand, right?  Self-awareness to your thoughts and how to effectively manage them is what anxiety and depression is all about.  I disagree.  It is a huge part of it.  However, it is not all of it.  

Where do your thoughts come from?  Where do your emotions come from?  Why is it that all the medications you take for your anxiety and depression provide temporary relief?  At times it can even feel like it provides none?  How is it that these medications do not provide a cure for anxiety and depression if it’s a mental illness?  Oh, therapy.  You have a great counselor and your therapy sessions help.  Awesome!  Let me ask you if I may with no pun intended.  How long have you been in therapy?  When you don’t have therapy, do you feel confident with the tools that you have been given in therapy to overcome your anxiety and depression episodes?  

Check it out.  I am not judging at all.  If meds and therapy are your thing, I applaud you 100%.  What I am saying here or perhaps more questioning is if anxiety and depression attack the mind using it as a gateway to us because there is a deeper level of hurt that needs to be addressed.  And if that connection is established at the core of who you are, will the state of your mental existence improve?

Is a person born with anxiety and depression?  Or do life events and actions and such impact who you are at a core level transitioning the way you think and see the world and people and even yourself?  An open mind will empower your self-awareness by understanding the levels of existence. 

Our Soulful Existence

 I admit that this is my favorite section of existence.  Please keep in mind it is not the most important.  But it sure as heck is the most fun one.  Your soul is who you are.  This is where your identity exists.  Your dreams and motivations all exist in your soul.  The wants and desires for yourself all live here and they either grow or die here.  

Yes I said it.  I am a mom of multiple children.  Each child born and raised with the same parents and in the same household.  And yet each one had a different personality since the day that they were born.  They each grew up needing different things and with completely different goals.  How is this possible?

Many will say it’s because each has a different spirit.  I agree with this partially.  Some will say that spirit and soul are the same.  Nope, I disagree.  Even the Bible will confirm that they are different.  The essence of your being is located in you, you are soul.

Soul is adaptable.  This is where your personality exists.  However, there are some foundations that are set forth that don’t adjust so easily.  This is where your integrity comes from.  You know that part of you that says I will never harm another human being.  And even when another harms you the thought of doing the same makes you sick to your stomach.  That is your soul.  That is who you are as a person.  

Another very important part of your soul, who you are, is your will.  It lives here at the core of your being.  For example, I have what I call a “defiant soul”.  As a young girl, I alway spoke on what I believed.  I questioned others before I believed what they had to say and if you told me I couldn’t do something and my will was to do it, I did.  It was simply who I was.  So what happened?

Life happened.  You see, no matter how strong you are or how planned out you are in life, something unexpected will happen.  There will be that challenge or battle that will knock you on your tush.  It will make you question every single one of your foundations.  And if you are not firmly grounded in who you are, you can get lost very quickly.  I avoided self-awareness.  Instead, I chose to do what everyone else told me to do and be who they expected me to be.  I began to go into stores and buy nothing at first and then I began to buy everything until there was nothing left of me.

This is where issues begin.  This is the devastating solution to resolving anxiety and depression.  This is the gap that needs to be closed and the connection that needs to be made to empower your self-awareness.  This is a crucial part to understanding the levels of existence.  

Our Spiritual Existence

This is also an amazing part of our existence; the spiritual one.  Your spirit is the connection to our higher power.  This is how we can create out of body experiences when we have a spiritual awakening.  Self-awareness to your spirit comes with time and a deep desire to understand yourself.  Your purpose exists here.  Intuition, faith, and hope exist here as well.  Spirit may be considered religious or even non-religious.

It is a form of our existence whether you choose to be aware of it or not.  Some things are just as they are.  It took me a very long time to understand this concept.  It seemed as if it made more sense that soul and spirit were one.  However, after years of studying and research and most importantly, experience they are not.

I am a Christian and not religious.  If we are energetic beings, where does that energy come from?  Who created that energy?  I believe in God and I believe as life has shown me that we are all imperfect humans except for the story of one.  So yes, I believe in Jesus.  However, you do not have to.  Our spiritual existence cannot be denied.

Have you ever been stuck in making a decision and no matter the logic you simply felt like you should choose one way?  However, you chose the logical choice and the outcome was not as you expected?  Where does the energy to go after a dream no matter how hard it is with the “knowing” you can come from?  Why are some people naturally inclined toward creativity and others towards logic? How can we applaud the three year old child that has an amazing talent and be left in awe and not believe in spirit?  It is so important to empower your self-awareness by understanding the levels of existence.

Our Energetic Connection Existence

And here is the one level of existence that anxiety and depression do not want you to be aware of.  Check it out.  All of life is a spiritual warfare.  Life’s battles and challenges are designed to strengthen your spirit and soul.  However, if you cannot find the valuable lesson or become self-aware of how that situation served you it can create chaos.  It will create havoc and hurt in your life that will make it hard for you to move forward.  Your soul is permanently scarred and hurt and it weakens your spirit.  Why?

You no longer trust your intuition.  Faith is lost that there will be a better day.  All of the hopes you had are destroyed and you lose your purpose.  You don’t know who you are and you just live life doing it with no emotions, no purpose.  Life has lost its meaning, its importance.  Because living for others, living because you should, leads to a huge disconnect in your life.  A painful one that creates a fierce struggle to survive due to anxiety and depression that have now invaded your mind.  

All of the above points of existence serve as entry points.  You experience spiritual warfare, your soul is broken down or even kept in the dark, and anxiety and depression plant themselves like a weed in your mind that is rapidly growing.  And there is usually one main reason why this happens.  We have an energetic connection existence.  What the heck is that?

Our higher power, my God, knew this was going to happen.  So He gave us an energetic connection to Him, our spirit guide if you will (I prefer the Holy Spirit).  It also presents itself as intuition but more at an awakening level.    It is that sense that something is wrong and needs to be addressed.  The “little voice” that tells you that you should do something good that you really don’t want to put the time or energy into doing.  The one that too often we shut off because “I don’t believe”, “it’s just another part of me”, or “who are you for God to talk to”.  

When we try to live life of our own will without clear, good intentions it will land us in a mess.  You see, the one gift we have is the power of choice.  We choose whether to connect with our holy spirit guide or not.   We always have our own spirit to guide us as well.  However, as you may already know, its power is limited.  Or you can choose to find a way to connect to it again.

I mean, if I lived life perfectly and told you that I would sacrifice my entire life for you and I proved that I knew what would happen in the future and it did – and I told you that this is a path you should follow for a life of fulfillment.  I warned that life will be challenging but I would remain at your side for as long you wanted me to.  Would you shut me off or would you want someone to be there alongside you?

The energetic connection is crucial to overcoming anxiety and depression.  This is key to empower your self-awareness by understanding the different levels of existence.  

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There are many levels to our existence.  We must empower self-awareness by understanding the different levels of our existence to overcome anxiety and depression.  Every level of our existence must be connected to the other.  If there is a disconnect, there will be a massive disruption and leave us vulnerable to attacks and keep us in a state of overwhelm, doubt, guilt, shame, misunderstanding, and exhaustion.  As moms, we are the major influencers in our kiddos’ lives.  We cannot afford that ourselves and we definitely cannot afford that for them.  It’s time to empower your self-awareness by understanding the different levels of existence and address the issues at their core.  Anxiety and depression are an experience that keeps happening because we are not appropriately addressing the root cause.  Let’s change that through mommy empowerment.

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