Escaping the Grip of The Deadly Duo: Discovering a Life Full of Opportunity
Want to break free from the grip of anxiety and depression without medications and endless therapy sessions? Do you want to be the mom that brings love, peace, energy, joy, and faith into your kiddos’ lives? Studies prove that the key to children growing into healthy adults is a nurturing and attentive mother. If this is what you desire more than anything else, this article was designed specifically for you. Learn today how to be W.O.W. Mom by escaping the grip of the deadly duo and discovering a life full of opportunity.
Escaping the Grip of The Deadly Duo: Discovering a Life Full of Opportunity
What Is The Deadly Duo? I Medications and Therapy I What is a W.O.W. Mom I The Key to Successful Futures I Break Free Today & Create Your Opportunity
1. What Is The Deadly Duo
Understanding anxiety and depression requires firsthand experience. Experience that I can say I have had. The voices of the inner critic early in the morning and late at night, the exhaustion from being everything for everyone, the stories that play on repeat in your mind of past regrets and the fear of what may happen, and the constant disappointments of life are vivid even today. That is why I have taken the liberty of naming anxiety and depression as “The Deadly Duo”.
Anxiety and depression, the deadly duo, drain you of love, peace, energy, joy and faith. Your entire focus goes to how you feel and even when you manage to fight past it because you’re a mom it’s radiating into the lives of those around you. It makes you feel trapped and it seems doing anything is pointless. This is why overcoming and escaping the grip of the deadly duo is crucial.
“Feeling, being, and becoming who you are designed to be is key.”
How amazing would it be to love and be loved unconditionally? Understanding yourself at a very deep level. Living life energetically alive and fiercely free to be bold, beautiful and brilliant is a possibility. Discovering a life full of opportunity is what will transform your life from anxiety and depression to being a Wonderfully Optimistic Warrior Mom.
2. Medications and Therapy
Discovering a life full of opportunity is something that medications and therapy will not provide. Why? Because medications and therapy only manage some symptoms without providing solutions. And although I do believe that these can be helpful, too often they are used as crutches. A holistic approach that empowers you to strengthen your inner self is in your best interest.
Do you believe that medications and therapy are designed to help you overcome anxiety and depression? Why don’t they work for everyone? Now let me ask you this. If you were making $13.4 billion a year on anti-depression meds would you want it to end? What if I told you that they are predicting to make $18.29 billion by 2027? Do you really believe that they have your best interest in mind?
A therapist can make anywhere from $43,800 to $129,250 a year. This doesn’t include commissions from pharmaceutical companies for their prescriptions. What would be the biggest determining factor between the two salaries? Billables, how many clients they have. Can you honestly tell me that they are determined towards helping you or anyone discover a life full of opportunity? Or maybe it’s a life of managing symptoms and allowing moms to spread the anxiety and depression energy to future generations. All in the interest of lining their pockets through addiction.
The fact that big pharma and psychologists keep you from knowing is that you have the authority to claim control over your life.
“You have always had the power to choose.”
Breaking free from the grip of the deadly duo and discovering a life full of opportunity is within your control. It can be done using a holistic approach, free from harmful side effects and endless therapy sessions.
You are the only one that can transform your life from anxiety and depression to being a W.O.W. Mom.
3. What is a W.O.W. Mom
It took me four decades to discover that I needed something more. Four decades to learn that empowerment was within my grasp. I look back and that is simply way too long. My anxiety and depression had consequences that had radiated into my oldest children’s lives. That is what keeps me determined every day to do what I do.
You see,
“I had no clue that there was a better way. Until a realization was granted me by a divine higher power that exists within me.”
Is anxiety and depression really a thing? Or is it a person? Maybe a place? Could it be that anxiety and depression are incorrectly being referenced as a noun? Holy macaroni! Anxiety and depression are intense emotions that I experience. Anxiety and depression are verbs. The deadly duo is empowered by my actions.
From that moment going further I discovered a life of opportunity through being a Wonderfully Optimistic Warrior Mom. Becoming a nurturing and attentive mother because I was able to fill my life with fearless confidence, resilient energy, and brilliant clarity was a priceless blessing. To be able to experience love, peace, energy, joy, and faith unconditionally and radiate that into my kiddos’ lives is a magnificent opportunity. One that I take advantage of daily and so can you.
So what is a W.O.W. Mom you are likely asking.
- A W.O.W. Mom is a Wonderfully Optimistic Warrior Mom. She has a feminine fighter soul within her. A soul that has a burning desire to defy the odds and does not quit. This is the exact reason why anxiety and depression fail in your life. Your feminine fighter soul loves your kiddos too much.
- A W.O.W. Mom creates the life she wants for herself and her kiddos. She understands that her kiddos are the better version of herself. The energy she needs to move forward everyday expands into her soul using her divine warrior spirit. Her divine warrior spirit reminds her that she is designed to accomplish great things.
- She is confident, energetic, and loves unconditionally. A W.O.W. Mom trusts her heart and intuition. She is in complete alignment with who she is becoming. This allows her to manifest her reality with feeling and action.
- She protects, believes in, empowers and has faith in her inner strength. There is a network of powerful, energetic women that support her. They build one upon the other.
- A W.O.W. Mom lives life fiercely free and in control of life’s battles and challenges. She understands that she is not in control of which battles or challenges life will bring her.
Becoming a W.O.W. Mom is a daily work in progress. Escaping the grip of anxiety and depression is a developed skill that has massive rewards. Discovering a life of opportunity provides everlasting growth. W.O.W. Moms do it for their kiddos’ successful futures but do it even more for themselves. Why? Because leaders lead by example.
4. The Key to Successful Futures
The key to successful futures relies on mom’s successful future. How do you create your successful future so your kiddos have something to model? It requires healing and creativity. How do you heal? Some can do it on their own and others prefer the energy of a guide or a mom coach. Why? Because being a nurturing and attentive mom is that important to them. Losing more time is not an option.
That is what I am going to lay out these 5 steps to discovering the key to successful futures:
- Learn how to love yourself unconditionally
- Create a powerful connection with your feminine fighter soul and divine warrior spirit
- Have a clear vision for your future with effective strategies and tactics
- Surround yourself with next level mentors, champions, and royalty
- Understand your ability to overcome life’s battles and challenges. Choose which battles need to be fought.
When you learn how to master each of the above five steps, you will be W.O.W. Start escaping the grip of the deadly duo and discovering a life full of opportunity today.
5. Break Free Today & Create Your Opportunity
Wait a minute. I hear it too! That little voice inside of you that is on repeat. The one that’s saying this is possible for someone else but not you. You are too far gone. Do me a favor will you? Close your eyes and picture what life looks like for you with love, peace, energy, joy and faith. Now picture your kiddos’ lives with that. Finally, picture everyone all together. Do you feel that? That’s the power of your inner strength. Anxiety and depression fear that strength. It’s time. Break free today and create your opportunity.
Perhaps that little voice inside of you is nudging you that you can’t do it alone. However, it’s telling you that you need a mom coach, an empowerment coach to help guide you. It is true, there is power and energy in the power of 2 or more. A different perspective can drastically help you learn to develop unconditional love for yourself.
There are important connections to be empowered here. The connections within yourself, within your family dynamic, and to society.
Big changes are going to happen. Many will be unhappy with them, but of those many it will not be you or your kiddos any longer. So what do you say? Ready to take a leap of faith and see your opportunity? Will you break free today? Escaping the grip of the deadly duo, anxiety and depression, is your possibility. Discovering a life full of opportunity is why you are reading this post today.
“You being here right now, providing your beautiful energy, is where you were always intended to be.”
The Experience
Moms have a great responsibility and the job doesn’t always come easy. When you struggle with the experience of anxiety and depression, it seems unbearable. The truth is that there is a Divine Higher Power that believes in you. This Higher Energy has faith in your ability to create and nurture life. First, it starts with you.
I know within every fiber of my being that you want to be the mom that brings love, peace, energy, joy, and faith into your kiddos’ lives. I understand that you want to be a nurturing and attentive mother but it seems out of reach right now. You want to raise healthy adults that do not experience your same struggles. So let’s start working together towards breaking the grip of the deadly duo and creating your W.O.W. Mom lifestyle.
Join Mommy Empowerment
Depending on your level of anxiety and/or depression there are many ways for you to begin empowering your life today. If your experience is at a minor level, you will want to subscribe to catch all of the latest blogs with tips and secrets to guide you. However, if your situation has a stronger build up, then a mom coach that focuses as an empowerment coach with personalized coaching sessions may be best for you.
Need a little motivation?
Get my 5 best kept secrets to starting my mornings off empowered over anxiety and depression by clicking below.