How to Overcome Anxiety Daily and Become a Productive Mom

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Moms have so much to get accomplished in a 24-hour day.  It is very easy to become overwhelmed and look back feeling unaccomplished.  In today’s society, you need to have a full-time job, have a college education, be physically fit, help the kiddos with homework, cook dinner, and keep up with every school event.  It is no wonder why you experience anxiety daily and feel unproductive.  In this blog post, you will learn how to overcome anxiety daily and become a productive mom in three simple steps.

Anxiety and productiveness seem to be polar opposites.  For anyone that has experienced any form of anxiety, you understand the toll that it takes on you physically and mentally.  Your mind is designed to protect you.  This is the reason why when you become overwhelmed by any task, your brain will shut down causing your body to shut down with it.  It results in a day of chaos and disorganization until your mind can recuperate.  As a mom, overcoming anxiety daily and being a productive mom is crucial to feeling good about everything you accomplish.

crop woman making schedule in planner
Photo by Anete Lusina on

Steps to Overcome Anxiety Daily and Become A Productive Mom

That is why this blog post is essential for every mom.  There are three simple actions or steps to follow every day to ensure you have a productive day.  Productive days equal accomplished moments which means you feel good about yourself and can be the best mom you can be for your kiddos.

Action Step #1:  Plan Everything One Day Out

Sounds easy, doesn’t it?  It is easy.  That is until the unexpected happens and throws your entire schedule off.  This will easily trigger your anxiety in a heartbeat.  So, when I say – plan everything – plan everything!  Plan from the moment you wake up to the end of the day.

Start with getting the kiddos ready, have their clothes and supplies ready the night before, and at the assigned area where they are needed.  Prepare everything for your spouse the night before and schedule some recoup time for yourself.  I recommend at least 30 minutes at night and 30 minutes in the morning.  Yes, this means that you may have to wake up a little earlier than everyone else.  Maybe even stay up later.  I promise you will thank me for it later.  

Plan for the unexpected always.  In your schedule set out an extra 15 minutes or so where it’s entirely blank.  Why?  One if you never need it, great.  It’s a breather time for you.  If you do need it though, it will give you time to process how to best handle the situation without feeling like you are running out of time.

This leads me to the next important action step.  Don’t overpack your schedule with a bunch of things to do that are not immediate things that need to get done.  

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Photo by Anastasia Shuraeva on

Action Step #2:  Prioritize

Check it out.  You may think you are Superwoman and I feel that all moms are amazing.  However, you are only one person.  You also know how crippling anxiety is.  So, with that said, prioritize those things that need to get done.  Only those things get entered into your schedule.  If there are extra things that should get done and you have the time after the priorities are done, great.  If not, push them out to the next day.  The world will not end, you will see.

Have you ever called the doctor’s office for an appointment because you or your little one are not feeling well?  Do they immediately stop everything else to get you into their schedule?  Or do they say, the next available appointment is tomorrow or next week?  It seems like the end of the world at that moment.  Soon, you realize that it’s not and everyone is okay with the set appointment or it wasn’t even needed.  It’s the same with your schedule.

Those items on your to-do that can wait, need to wait.  You will end up deciding if they were really necessary or not and get to them when you have time.  This is how you overcome anxiety daily and become a productive mom; prioritize.

Action Step #3:  Color Code Your Calendar

The next action step to overcoming anxiety daily and becoming a productive mom is to color code your calendar.  Select your favorite color and color code your calendar by your priorities.  As for me, I love the color green…it is the color of money 🙂  So, everything that is an ultimate priority is in green on my calendar.  Then I like purple.  So anything that definitely needs to get done that day goes in purple and then personal things such as showers, breaks, and dinners go in blue.  

I keep it simple and pretty to look at and I set reminders.  

It is a process and it will take some time to establish a healthy routine that works for you.  However, once you get it you will be a happy, productive mom that can tackle the unexpected and overcome anxiety daily. 

woman in white shirt showing frustration
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

Anxiety and Productiveness

Remember, anxiety is to be taken seriously.  As a mom, we have the responsibility to our kiddos to teach them effective ways to manage stress.  More importantly, you deserve to live a happy and productive life despite the unexpected.  By planning everything one day out, prioritizing, and color-coding your calendar you take back control of your schedule and life.  

It’s time to hush up that anxiety and show it who’s the boss!  After all, even your hubby knows who the real boss is.  Why shouldn’t anxiety?

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Photo by Alexander Dummer on

Remember to Smile

These are very basic starting actionable steps to take.  With time you will expand your capacity and you can come back here and check out some new, next-level stuff.  Please leave a comment below if you tried this and if it works.  I do ask that you give it a few weeks and always adjust as needed.  That’s all for now.  Have a blast and remember to smile!

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