The Power of Resilient Energy: How it Can Help Moms Overcome Anxiety and Depression

There is a difference between good and bad energy.  Most importantly, there is a difference in resilient energy also.  Resilient energy is the difference between struggling to survive and living life overcoming anxiety and depression naturally.  This post details the power of resilient energy and how it can help moms overcome anxiety and depression naturally.  Along with my exact three step process that I use daily.

woman holding her child walking near windmills
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The Need for Energy

Each of us is energy. You, me, your little ones, your “grown” ones lol. Don’t believe me? Well, let me ask you a question then.

Have you ever been in a room and someone walks in and BAM it’s like either lightning struck and lit everything up or it’s suddenly heavy and dark? 

Or maybe, for no reason at all, you simply don’t vibe with a person for no reason whatsoever. Or after having been around or speaking with someone you feel exhausted? For me that’s an hour after being with my kids lol. Joking, but am I really?  

Either way, it’s because we are all made up of energy.  We radiate positive or negative energy.  Energy is being shared on a constant basis.  Everything you do requires some type of energy.  There is a need for resilient energy.  When you can create, restore, and build resilient energy, that is success.

And guess what, moms need to have an abundance of resilient energy. What for?  You need resilient energy to go to work, resilient energy to manage the finances, resilient energy to comfort and be there for the kiddos, resilient energy to be there for your friends and family, and resilient energy to be a supportive spouse.  However it doesn’t end there.  Moms not only need more and more resilient energy. There’s more you need.

As a mom that experiences anxiety and depression you need even more resilient energy.  Why?  You’re giving all of this energy away and never replenishing it and then wondering why it feels like you’re half-assing everything you do and not getting the results you expect.  

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The 3 Step Process

Everything in your life seems chaotic and you’re exhausted.  This is a vulnerable time for moms that experience anxiety and depression.  That’s why it may seem like you’re not good enough and never able to get the results you expect.  Been there done that and to be transparent, I still follow this same 3 step process to make sure my resilient energy flowing and refill my storage. Cause heck, I don’t know, if as a mom, you can ever have too much resilient energy. 

I’m sharing my process because I care and every mom needs to be uplifted and empowered. As a mom coach it is my mission to create a movement for all moms to shift from struggling to survive to becoming a Wonderfully Optimistic Warrior Mom.  So here is my exact three step process to having resilient energy.  

1. Heal yourself and believe in yourself. Establishing faith in yourself is your resiliency.

Easier said than done I would say.  Where I would like to start is with one very important question.

“Are you human?”

Perfect!  We have been aware since the beginning of time that we are imperfect.   

Humans are imperfect by design.  Yet, each one of us is constantly chasing perfection.  Why?  Could it be that what we truly desire is excellence in our purpose?

Healing yourself requires a deep understanding of how your life experiences are affecting your thoughts.  Believing in yourself will follow after establishing your authentic identity.  From there you can establish faith in yourself and build resilience to overcome life’s battles and challenges.  This will create a consistent personal resilient energy flow.  

Get ready to make imperfect decisions that provide valuable lessons.  Do not live in a state of regret.  Yesterday is gone.  Focus on your present state.  Do the best that you can with what you have right now.  Keep that resilient energy flow high just like your vibe.  

If you’re still struggling with this.  I will ask you another question.

“Do you believe your kiddos can accomplish anything they want to?”

If so, how can you not believe in yourself? If they can do it, how can the person that created that human being not be able to?  

Life is designed to test us.  That is why having faith is crucial.  Faith is being able to say, I don’t know how I’m going to do this but I’m going to.  See faith has no fear and it is self-doubt’s kryptonite. How?  Because it does not require proof.  

I can only imagine the burning desire within to say … BUT.  And follow it with your automatic response.  My challenge to you is to overcome that automatic response with … I WILL.

Mom, you need to have faith in yourself.  Know without a doubt that you are capable of anything.  Know that you put your heart, soul, energy (spirit), and mind into everything you do. You’re a mom…there’s no better proof of what you are able to accomplish than the fact that you created, gave, and continue to nurture another human being’s life. 

2. Focus on only 3 priorities a day. 

Have you ever asked your kiddos to do something and they give you this look like “why”?  I remember being a kid and feeling overwhelmed everytime my mom gave me something else to do.  All day in school, homework, chores and more was overwhelming.

Heck, I even remember asking her one day if she had kids because she wanted to have slaves that do everything for her.  Craziness right!  Fast forward to many years later, and I still despised my schedule not going as planned.  It wasn’t until recently that I discovered the secret to keeping my daily routines balanced.

The secret is that I focus on completing only 3 priorities a day.  I have one main priority to accomplish and I make sure to get those completed. Completing the main priority is the first order of the day.  Afterwards, I focus on my two minor priorities. 

Why do I do this?

Remembering that each of us is energy and I need to ensure I am using my resilient energy wise.  My priorities are not set based on my everyday routines or habits.  These priorities are set apart.  This is also very important to consider when setting up your schedules.  

 I can provide a breakdown of what this means.  Okay, so you have habits, some are good and some are bad.  Some take up more energy than others. However, these are things that we do on a daily basis without even thinking about it.  When you decide to break a bad habit it takes up a lot of energy.  As when you take action on a good habit, it requires little to no energy.  

Just like you have routines. Routines barely take up any energy whatsoever. You can have a routine of going to work everyday.  Despite not wanting to go sometimes you do.  And if you were to miss a day of work it feels awkward.  

Another good example of this is would be an automatic response to a routine.  Have you ever asked yourself, “Did I change the load of laundry?”  And you go to the laundry room to find out that you did but you don’t even remember doing it?  That is the natural reaction of routines. 

A simpler form of routine is breathing.  You breathe as you need to so you can live.  It’s something you do without thinking about it or focusing on it.  It doesn’t require much energy.  

That is why habits and routines are not to be included in your priorities.  Your priorities will require some energy.  Plan them out effectively.  This is a great way to make certain you keep your personal energy flow and vibe high.   The next win by doint this is that you will be attracting that same vibe from others throughout the day. 

Avoid the overwhelm and stress.  The other secret I would like to share when setting up your three priorities is that one priority may be a MUST do.  The next will likely be something for the kiddos.  The third priority must be something for yourself.  

I call this a W.O.W. priority.  In order for you to achieve Wonderfully Optimistic Warrior status which allows you to be energetically alive and fiercely free to be you, you must accomplish this priority daily.  This priority is going to seem like a fantasy priority and it will be the most difficult, yet most important, to achieve daily.

This might be getting into a bikini, starting your own business or getting a promotion, or it can be making an investment into something. It can be creating emotional stability or getting out of debt. Whatever it is, your third priority is doing something to achieve your W.O.W. priority. 

unrecognizable traveler admiring foamy waterfall in mountains
Photo by Quang Nguyen Vinh on

3. Protect your flow and set boundaries. 

Have you ever been really into something and you’re feeling great and something disturbs it and ick…you lose the vibe?  Even when you get right back to what you were doing it seems to take up more resilient energy to get to that exact flow.  That’s because it does.

Example, you’re watching a movie and you’re really into it and then you hear, “Mom or Babe/Honey” and you ignore it and the good part comes in your movie and there it goes again, you’re being summoned. You know it’s not gonna stop so you pause the movie. You respond and fulfill their request.  Excitement to continue your movie builds so you unpause your movie and suddenly the part no longer has the same effect. Lots of times you have to even rewind and replay the movie.  Suddenly the desire to watch the movie fades.

It’s the same with your flow of energy. You have to do your best to ignore and block out anything that is going to interfere with your flow. A great indicator that what you’re doing is important is interruption. If you have a priority that seems impossible to accomplish, do not get overwhelmed.  Instead allow your instinct to guide you.

Set up some time where those people or things are occupied and cannot interrupt you during that time. You and you alone are in control of your time.  It’s up to you to protect your personal energy flow.  

Set boundaries and feel good about it.  When working on something really important-just set the do not disturb setting on your phone and let everyone know-hey, I’m not available from this time to this time just like you would if you were at work or at a doctor’s appointment. Same deal. If you make it important it’s important.  And others will respect it.


So there you have it!

As a mom that wants to overcome depression and anxiety you need resilient energy.  Now you have my exact three step process for you to check out for yourself.  From a mom coach to all of you brilliant moms, you can and will overcome anxiety and depression naturally.

  • Heal, believe, and have faith in yourself
  • Focus on only 3 priorities every day
  • Protect your flow and set boundaries

Go out and create your personal resilient energy flow and vibe to W.O.W. status.  Please feel free to comment below if this worked for you.  Also, if you tried something different that worked I would love to know.

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