Undeniable Proof That You Need Self-Awareness Of Your Mental Existence
As a mom of seven, I have always been grateful that I find great satisfaction in cleaning. In the same token, I also find great frustration at the duration of my clean house. It wasn’t until recently that I was astonished at a thought that simply popped into my mind that I had quickly dismissed. This thought which I am embarrassed to admit to was, “I despise being a mom. I somehow signed up to be a maid, a cook, a gardener, trash woman, uber driver, and a doormat for everyone.”
I realize that this thought interrupted my day for a reason and acknowledged it. However, I had to reroute my thought process into a healthy processing flow. But I had a more important question to be answered. Where did this thought come from? This is when I discovered undeniable proof that you need self-awareness of your mental existence especially when you have experienced or experience anxiety and depression.
What is Mental Existence?
Many will argue that there is no such thing as the mind or mental existence. I completely disagree. What I do agree on is that there is confusion around what our mental existence is. For example, our brain and mind are two different things. Agreed? Our brain directs our bodily functions and alerts our body when we are in danger and helps protect our body. It also stores our memories and allows us to interpret information.
Our mind on the other hand is where our thoughts and feelings come from. This is how we experience life. Let’s think of a person that suffers from amnesia. They still have feelings and emotions about what they are experiencing even though they may be different because their memories have been affected.
How could this be if the brain is just the brain and there is no mental existence?
Thoughts are still being formed. They are simply new thoughts with limited information. However, is that not what is being done in everyday life anyways? Opinions, thoughts, ideas are being formed with limited information. Like the thought I had above?
Our mental existence is the gateway to many thoughts that connect with our brain’s memories and it is where conclusions come from. Beliefs are created in our mental existence using the data stored in our brains. Remember, this is all with limited information.
Why is Mental Existence Important?
The reason why it is important to understand that there is undeniable proof that you need self-awareness of your mental existence is because how can anyone diagnose a mental illness? What is anxiety and depression? It is the thoughts that we have assigned to certain emotions, beliefs, behaviors and attitudes that are triggered by activating events. The way these emotions, beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes can be and in some cases needs to be improved. Is this really an illness or is it a skill that needs to be developed? One that prior generations had no clue about?
Well hello to new information. Whether you accept it or not, I ask for you to keep an open mind to the possibilities. Because this leads to another question. If anxiety and depression are a mental issue and the brain and mind are different, what are the medications for?
Is it possible that the medications are designed to limit how your brain processes the physical reaction you have to your emotions? Does it stop the connection between the mind and body? Could it be that you no longer have access to those stored memories that you have assigned certain emotions to? What happens when you don’t have full connection to yourself?
I don’t know about you but that defies the purpose of the medication in the first place. Anxiety and depression use the mind as a gateway interruptor to healthy mental processing. So if you can stabilize or regulate the gateway and assign it a security guard to say to those interrupting thoughts, “nope, you cannot enter” how much would that help?
Many will say that medication is for this purpose, the security guard, but it’s not. Medication is for the brain not the thought. Until you develop the skill to process healthy thoughts, habits, behaviors and attitudes the thoughts will always be there. Your body simply will not feel anything to the thought, but it’s still there.
The security guard takes on the face of healthy habits, behaviors, attitudes, open mind, confidence and wisdom. All things that you can pass along and teach your kiddos. That is the reason why it is important to understand that this is undeniable proof that you need self-awareness of your mental existence.
What Can You Do About Your Mental Existence?
Yoga and meditation help to practice clearing the mind. Even some breathing exercises can help with neutralizing the effect of your thoughts on your body. Exercise is great for the mind and the body. In reality, all of these techniques are to restore the mind and body connection. This is great! Because anxiety and depression creates disconnection. However, it is a disconnect at a deeper level.
What you can do about your mental existence is to work towards becoming more self-aware. Focus on reaching your full potential. Remember that your thoughts can trigger emotional states. Emotional states can influence your decisions. Decisions determine our outcomes in life. Our outcomes in life either serve us or they don’t.
The thought I had above was a reaction to a sense of overwhelm that I was experiencing in that stand alone moment. Had I not stopped it, it could have created for me to become frustrated and become angry. The decision to release that anger on my family in the form of complaining would have not served me. That decision may have left me with other emotions such as guilt and self-judgment. Can you see where I’m going with this?
I am so appreciative that I have learned to become self-aware of my mental existence and can work through my thought processes. My security guard is still in training however. I strive to make him stronger and more resilient every day. Some days are not so successful but it is a journey. You may be asking yourself well you just stopped the thought, then what?
For me, I love journaling. I journaled the thought and the emotions connected to it. I made the thought a liar. My kiddos do help around the house but my daughter is working overtime this week, the other has been bombarded with school work because of the end of the school year and my son, he has been slacking lol so I gave him a little extra yard work to help me with. But there was another way to handle it; a healthier one.
The overwhelming workload is overwhelming, but it’s only temporary. The way I managed it and handled it could serve me and my fam or it could have harmed us. The choice was mine. What will you choose?
Also, I want to be clear. There was deeper work that I had to do before I reached my conclusion. However, that’s an article for another day. Humans exist on many different levels. That is why addressing anxiety and depression requires a holistic approach. Nonetheless, seeing that our mental existence is one of the easiest to accept I am hoping you found this useful. Understanding that there is undeniable proof that you need self-awareness of your mental existence is essential to overcoming anxiety and depression naturally.
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The mental existence is the mind. Your brain is different and is part of your physical existence. Many will argue and disagree but if you have noticed, many times we have no control over the thoughts that pop up into our minds. So, how can this be an issue that exists within our brains? They cannot examine where our thoughts come from. And they label anxiety and depression as a mental illness, not one of the brain.
Medications will help with how your brain controls the physical effects of your emotions but it will not provide you with the skills you need to create your security guard. You also need to teach your kiddos how to create their own security guard. Recognizing that your self-awareness to your mental existence and how to self-regulate your emotions at that gateway level is crucial. I repeat however…your emotions, thoughts, behaviors, and attitudes are all within your control. Healthy transitioning and being aware of them is a journey that takes work but can be done.
Shedding light on your control over these things is a gift that was given to me that I would like to share with you and your family. Something that will serve you so you can serve your kiddos while striving to reach your full potential.
What’s Next?
Undeniable proof that you need self-awareness of your mental existence is the second article in a series. Make sure to check out the first level of existence, our physical existence, article I also shared with you. Feel free to comment below on your thoughts. I am curious and always appreciative of different perspectives.